Once a Malfoy (continued)

Jul 12, 2015 17:16

Harry was positively cheerful at breakfast. He didn't even argue when Draco ushered him to the same table where Lucius, Narcissa, Algernon and Catherine were seated. Harry ignored his former father-in-law's heated glare, tuned out Algernon's incessant complaints, and listened politely while Narcissa and Catherine talked about their next port of call in Florence. It was amazing what a good orgasm could do for one's frame of mind, Harry thought.

Not even the addition of Antoinette at their table could dampen Harry's mood. He did find himself wondering how someone as vivacious as Annemarie could have produced such a grumpy witch for a daughter. Draco once told him that his grandfather Abraxas, Antoinette's brother, was much the same way. Harry supposed he should thank Narcissa for the fact that Draco had turned out as well as he did.

"...join us, won't you, Harry?"

Belatedly, Harry realized Narcissa had asked him a direct question. "My apologies," he confessed, "but I was wool-gathering."

Antoinette greeted Harry's admission with an unladylike snort, but Harry chose to ignore her. He remained focused on Narcissa.

"I asked if you would care to join Lucius and me for our next excursion ashore today," Narcissa repeated patiently.

Harry glanced at Draco, only to get a raised eyebrow in return. Clearly, Draco was leaving the decision up to him. Harry turned back to Narcissa and smiled. "Draco and I would be delighted to accompany you," he said.

"Splendid," Narcissa said, beaming at Harry. "I may need your help to carry my purchases."

Outwardly, Harry maintained a polite smile. Inwardly, he was cursing himself, and Draco, too.


"Why are you so bloody cheerful?" snarled Harry. He was all but staggering under his burden of bags and packages, while Draco strolled along beside him. Draco was similarly burdened, yet he was whistling a merry tune and enjoying the sights.

"Unlike you, Harry, I have no qualms about using magic in a Muggle port of call to lighten my packages," said Draco. "Honestly, Harry. The Muggles aren't going to know or care, and you're only harming yourself by being so rigid about the rules."

Harry was about to argue, when he realized Draco made a good point. What was the use of being a wizard, if he couldn't use his magic? Besides, it wasn't as if he planned to send his Patronus capering down the street in full view of Muggles. Harry muttered the lightening charm beneath his breath, ignoring the smirk that Draco shot his way.

"There you are, Aunt Narcissa!"

Harry, Draco, and Lucius groaned simultaneously when they beheld Marcel bearing down on them with Denis in tow.

"You look positively radiant today, Aunt Narcissa," Marcel simpered. "Do you mind terribly if Denis and I join your little group? I so seldom get to see you."

"Thank you, Marcel," said Narcissa. Her tone was less than pleased when she added, "Of course, you may join us. Here, carry this bag for me."

Harry coughed to cover a snicker, drawing Marcel's attention immediately.

"Dear me, Harry, I do hope you're not coming down with one of your dreadful, Muggle diseases," gasped Marcel.

Harry was about to tell Marcel where he could cram that bag, when Denis adroitly stepped between Harry and Draco.

"Would you like some help carrying those packages, Draco?" Denis asked. He fluttered his lashes, too, Harry was certain of it.

"Splendid!" exclaimed Draco. "I'm delighted you asked." He proceeded to shove his armload of packages into Denis' arms, dropping the lightening charm as he did. Denis all but staggered under the weight. Draco gave him a congenial slap on the back, sending Denis stumbling forward two steps.

Harry coughed again, noting with glee that Marcel sidled away from him.


"The next time your mother asks us to accompany her on a shopping expedition, tell her no," Harry grumbled. He dropped onto the bed and fell across it with a groan of exhaustion.

"I think I'll leave that up to you, Harry," said Draco. "You get to skive off after the cruise, whereas I have to deal with my mother's disapproval long after you've gone."

Draco's words sent a pang through Harry, even though he knew that wasn't what Draco intended. Both of them had known going into this that the ruse was only temporary. Harry attempted to keep his tone light. "True, but your mother loves you. She merely tolerates me."

"Nonsense, Harry. Mum adores you. It's Father who merely tolerates you."

Harry snorted. "Lucky for me, Granny thinks I hung the moon."

"Speaking of Grandmère," said Draco, "we need to get dressed for dinner."

"I need a nap," whined Harry. He was completely knackered.

Draco pulled a suit jacket from the tiny cupboard and tossed it across Harry's face. "Buck up and get dressed, Harry. Grandmère hates to be kept waiting.


Harry was pleased to resume the seat of honor next to Annemarie at dinner, even though Draco had chosen to sit at a table with Pansy and Andre. Harry was enjoying his conversation with Annemarie, until he noticed that Denis had managed to insinuate himself at Draco's table.

Annemarie noted the direction of Harry's gaze. "Beware of that one, Harry," she said. "He fancies your husband."

Harry forced the tension from his shoulders and turned to smile at Annemarie. "I'm confident that the attraction is one-sided on Denny's part," he said. "Draco has done nothing to encourage him."

"Be that as it may, family is the most important thing to a Malfoy, and we defend our family with the tenacity of a dragon," Annemarie stated.

"Why, Granny!" Harry exclaimed. "Are you suggesting I go over there and start a row?"

"I am suggesting, young man, that I would not be disappointed, should you pummel that poacher for flirting with your husband."


"I see Dastardly Denny was trying to pull you again at dinner."

Draco made a scoffing noise as he expertly undid his tie. "I told that wanker I wasn't interested, in three languages no less, yet he still doesn't seem to comprehend."

"Shall I thrash him on your behalf?" Harry asked, only half in jest.

"That's quite chivalrous of you, Harry, but I do believe I can defend myself, thank you," said Draco. He began unbuttoning his shirt, head bent to his task.

Harry clenched his jaw against allowing a groan to escape. He had to remove himself from the temptation Draco posed, or else he would end up shagging his ex, and that would only spell disaster. Harry sat up and swung his legs over the bed. He fumbled for his shoes and muttered, "I'm going for a walk on deck."

Draco glanced up in surprise, expression changing when he beheld the tight line of Harry's jaw and shoulders. "Harry, we-"

"I have to go, Draco."

Harry yanked the door open and made his escape. He strode quickly along the corridor, ascended the steps and burst out into the fresh, salty air on deck. Only then did Harry release the breath he'd pent up. He slowed his pace, strolling along the deck and allowing his ardor to cool. Harry had several more days to endure in Draco's company, and he wasn't sure he was capable of it. If it weren't for the high esteem he held Annemarie Malfoy in, Harry would return home in a trice. He had expected this excursion to make his cock ache, but Harry hadn't reckoned on how much it was hurting his heart.

Harry leaned against the railing and let his head fall back. He smiled when he located the constellation that Draco was named for. Harry remembered how Draco had shown it to him, during the first blush of their love. He thought back to Annemarie's words, about the importance of family and fighting for it. Since the divorce, Harry had regretted not fighting harder to salvage his marriage, but never as keenly as he did now. He should have fought for Draco, to save their relationship, and to keep his family together. Yes, Draco was family. So were Narcissa and Lucius, Annemarie, and Kelwyn and Colette and their children. Harry also felt proprietary towards sour old Antoinette, grumpy Algernon, and Cousin Marcel. They were flawed and dysfunctional, but they were family. All Harry ever wanted from life was a family of his own, yet he'd allowed his family to slip away, rather than holding on with all of his might.

"Fuck me," Harry muttered under his breath.

"No, I do not wish to fuck you. Bugger off."

Harry's head snapped up. That was Draco's voice, carrying to him from the bow of the yacht. Harry turned and strode in that direction, ready to fight for his husband. When Harry rounded the corner, he saw that Denny had Draco crowded up against the railing of the yacht. Harry didn't bother drawing his wand. He strode forward, fists clenched and ready to pound Denny to a pulp.

"I am tired of telling you to leave me alone," snapped Draco. He gave Denny a shove, which sent him staggering conveniently into Harry's clutches.

Harry grasped Denny's shirt and spun him around. Even in the darkness, he could see Denny's eyes widen in fear. "Stay away from my husband," growled Harry, punctuating his words with a solid punch to Denny's midsection. When his rival gasped and doubled over, Harry clipped him on the jaw with an uppercut. He let Denny fall to the deck, stepped over his prone form, and yanked Draco into a hard, hungry kiss.

Draco yielded without a fight. He leaned into Harry, winding his arms around Harry's neck and opening his mouth to the pressure of Harry's lips.

Harry didn't stop kissing Draco until his head was buzzing from lack of air. Reluctantly, he drew back. Harry licked his lips, tasting Draco. "Let's go back to our cabin," he said, voice hoarse with raw passion.

Draco nodded.


Harry kicked the door shut behind them and backed Draco to the bed. They fell on it, lips meeting again in a maelstrom of lust. Harry clung to Draco's shoulders, resentful of the material between his hands and Draco's skin. He sat up and began trying to unbutton Draco's shirt. "Bloody little buttons," Harry snarled in frustration.

Draco pushed Harry's hands away. "I'll do it," he said. "You get out of your own clothes."

Harry was grateful for the suggestion. He removed his glasses and set them on the side table, then pulled his shirt off over his head. Harry tossed the garment aside, not caring where it landed. He slid from the bed and kicked off his shoes and socks. Harry unzipped his trousers and shoved them down, along with his pants. He clambered back onto the bed, in time to catch Draco's cast-off shirt.

"How are you not naked yet?!" cried Harry, dropping Draco's shirt on the floor.

"I had buttons!" Draco protested. He toed off his shoes, tugged off his socks, and unbuckled his belt.

Harry pounced and Draco and attacked Draco's zip. He tugged Draco's trousers off, and Draco helped by removing his pants.

"Finally!" sighed Harry. He took a moment to look at Draco. If anything, Draco was even more gorgeous than Harry remembered.

"You are allowed to touch, you know," Draco said. The smile on his face softened his words.

"Oh, I intend to," said Harry. "I'm going to put my hands all over your beautiful body."

"I knew it; you still find me devastatingly attractive."

"I've always found you devastatingly attractive, you arrogant git."

Draco grinned. "Yeah? Don't tell me, Harry. Show me."

Harry had no qualms about obeying that particular order. He placed his palm on Draco's flat stomach, stroking Draco's soft skin with the tips of his fingers. Harry used to love lying in bed, head pillowed on Draco's stomach while Draco read one of the many books in his collection. Harry's throat got tight, and he gave a slight shake of his head. That was then; this was now. There was only now.

Harry smoothed his hand up Draco's chest, tweaking a peaked nipple on the way. Draco gasped, and his pale lashes fluttered. Harry's hand moved lightly along Draco's throat, pausing to savor the rapid thud of Draco's pulse, before his hand curved around Draco's jaw. Harry lowered his head and claimed Draco's lips in a long, searching kiss.

Draco turned his head, breaking the connection of their mouths. "Harry," he breathed. "I've waited long enough. Don't make me wait any longer."

Harry didn't argue; he was beyond waiting, himself. "It's bound to be a quickie," he warned.

Draco smiled at him. "We have all night," he said.

The conversation reminded Harry of their wedding night, but then, they'd had their entire lives ahead of them, or so they thought. He forced his attention back to the present. If they only had this one night, then Harry intended to enjoy it. He rose from the bed long enough to retrieve a bottle of lubricant from his belongings. Harry returned to Draco and urged him to open his legs. Draco parted his thighs and sighed when Harry stroked his entrance with a slick finger.

Harry pushed against Draco's rim, working his finger in to the first knuckle. He moved it in and out, gritting his teeth as his cock throbbed almost painfully. Harry couldn't wait to be buried in the tight clasp of Draco's body.

"Harry, I need you."

"Sh, love," Harry crooned. He added another finger. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I already ache for you."

Harry swallowed heavily. He pumped his fingers in and out and pressed against Draco's prostate. Draco bucked up with a small cry, nearly dislodging Harry's fingers. Harry could wait no longer. He removed his fingers, wiped the excess lube over the head of his cock, then claimed his rightful place between Draco's legs.

Draco tilted his hips up, Harry guided his cock into place, and they both moaned when Harry slid home.

"God, Draco, I've missed you. I've missed this."


His name on Draco's lips was no more than a breath of sound, and Harry reacted by surging forward, penetrating Draco deeply. He groaned when Draco's legs rose to wind about his waist, and then Harry lurched into motion. Harry's hips rose and fell rapidly, rhythmically, as he reconnected with Draco on the most basic level. Draco arched up to meet each stroke, welcoming Harry's thrusts with a wordless demand for more. Their movements were fast and frenzied and achingly familiar.

Harry felt his climax building, and he clenched his teeth as he tried to slow down. He wanted to give Draco pleasure first. Draco was having none of it. He used his heels to urge Harry in harder, faster, deeper. Harry hammered into Draco until his entire body went taut.

"Oh god, Draco," he shouted, hips juddering as he pulsed inside of Draco.

Draco twisted beneath Harry, pushing a hand between their stomachs to squeeze his cock. Harry gamely continued thrusting, even though he was losing steam. It was enough. Draco stiffened and groaned as he achieved his own release.

Harry's quivering arms gave out, and he slumped on top of Draco. He smiled into Draco's hair when he felt hands smoothing up and down his back. Harry eventually managed to pull out and lie beside Draco. They kissed in the afterglow, legs still entwined, hands touching and stroking wherever they could reach. Harry's body responded predictably, and he was gratified to feel Draco's hardness prodding his hip.

When Draco moved to cover him, Harry opened for him without complaint. They both enjoyed topping and bottoming equally, and it had made them quite compatible as lovers. Their second round of sex was slow and sensual, lacking the frantic urgency that had driven their first coupling. Once it was over, they relaxed on the wreckage of their bed.

Harry lay with his head on Draco's stomach, a slight smile on his face. Draco's fingers were sifting through his hair, lulling Harry to the edge of sleep.

"Harry, I think we made a huge mistake."

Harry's entire body tensed with dread. He sat up and scooted away from Draco. Harry couldn't even look at his ex right now. His stomach churned with anxiety, and his throat grew tight. "I'll just...if I can find my wand, I'll leave," he stammered. "I should be able to Apparate home from-"


Draco's hands were on Harry's shoulders, giving him a rough shake. "Listen to me," he insisted.

Harry dared to glance up. Even without his glasses on, he could see how stricken Draco's expression was.

Draco squeezed Harry's shoulders, but he didn't let go. "I didn't mean we made a mistake by shagging tonight," he said. "I meant..." His voice trailed off uncertainly.

Hope tried to bloom in Harry's chest, but he quelled it immediately. He had to hear Draco out first. "What did you mean?" he asked in a choked voice.

Draco sighed and dropped his hands. He plucked at the tangled bedding a moment before he raised his head to peer at Harry. His chin firmed with resolve. "I think we made a mistake by getting divorced."

Harry felt his heart skip before it began beating again in double time. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but no sound emerged.

"I've missed you," Draco whispered. His voice grew stronger as he added, "I've missed you every day. There were times I went to firecall you, only to remember we were no longer married. I thought that spending time with you on this cruise would remind me why we divorced. Instead, it served to remind me why I married you in the first place."

Harry reached out and covered Draco's hand with one of his. "Draco, I...I don't know what to say," he admitted. "I've missed you, too, and being on this cruise with everyone else made me realize I miss them...my family. They're my family." He stopped to clear his throat, hating what he knew he had to say next. "This cruise has been wonderful," said Harry, "but when it's over, we'll be back to where we were before our marriage fell apart. You'll have your business in London, and I'll be returning to Hogwarts in the fall. I am willing to try to make it work, Draco, but can we? Can we make it work this time when the same issues still stand between us?"

Draco turned his hand over, linked his fingers through Harry's, and smiled at him...a beautiful, breathtaking, Slytherin smile. "I have something to tell you, Harry."

"Go on," Harry whispered.

"McGonagall has offered me Slughorn's position as the Potions professor at Hogwarts," said Draco. "I told her I would need some time to consider it, mainly because I wanted to be sure you and I could see one another on a regular basis without any rancor between us. If I accepted the position, I hoped that...well, that we might be able to rebuild our relationship at Hogwarts. That is, if you're willing to-"

The rest of Draco's words were lost in the urgent press of Harry's lips.


"I want to get married again," It was morning, and the new day brought Harry renewed hope and determination.

Draco turned his head on the pillow and smiled at Harry. "I do, too," he said. "We'll have something small and intimate this time. We can make plans once we return to London. I need to make arrangements to turn over the day-to-day operations of the business to Wentworth, and I'll also have to contact McGonagall to tell her I will be delighted to teach Potions at Hogwarts. Are you comfortable with handling the bulk of the wedding details?"

"I don't want to wait until we return to London," said Harry. "I want to get remarried as soon as possible."

"But, how can-"

"We're on a cruise, Draco," Harry said, grinning from ear to ear. "The captain of the yacht can marry us."

Draco's eyes went wide with wonder, but his delight fizzled quickly. "We can't get married on the yacht," he sighed. "Grandmère will be confused."

Harry sat up in bed, energized by his idea. "We'll tell Granny Annemarie that we're renewing our vows," he said. "She'll think it's wonderful."

Draco sat up, too. "You know, Harry, that might just work. We can arrange to meet with the captain, enlist Mum and Pansy for assistance, and be married before we reach Venice."

Harry slid one hand up Draco's thigh beneath the covers. "In the meantime," he murmured, "let's enjoy some scandalous, pre-marital sex."


"That's wonderful news, Harry!" gushed Annemarie. "I shall consider it a birthday gift to me," she added. "Why, I barely remember your first marriage ceremony."

"That's because you drank too much wine, Granny," Harry said. He did love to tease the old witch.

Annemarie hooted with laughter and slapped Harry on the back, hard enough to hurt. "What a delightful cad you are, Harry. I'm glad we're family."

"I'm glad, too, Granny," Harry said. His voice may have cracked, but it rang with sincerity.

Annemarie didn't seem to notice. She turned her shrewd gaze to Adrienne. "Why don't you and Sheryl get married by the captain, too?" Annemarie demanded. "If Draco and Harry can do it, there's no reason why you can't."

Adrienne appeared astonished for a moment, then she reached for her partner's hand. "What do you say, Sharon?" she asked. "Shall we make Grandmère happy by getting married?"

Sharon blushed and smiled. "I know it would make me happy," she replied.

"Splendid!" cried Annemarie. "We can have a double ceremony. Now then," she mused, looking around, "where is Marcel? We need to find him a husband, and that poncy little Danny just won't do."


Once plans for the double ceremony had been announced, everyone bustled ashore at Rome to shop for the wedding. Adrienne and Sharon bought beautiful dresses to wear for the ceremony, while Harry and Draco opted for more simple attire. Algernon and Catherine bought wedding bands for their daughter and her partner, and Collette and Pansy acquired the flowers for the ceremony. Marcel and Denis took the news of Harry and Draco's decision to "renew" their vows with gracious resignation, and they volunteered to buy cakes for the occasion. Lucius and Andre were sent to procure champagne, while Narcissa, Antoinette, and Annemarie bought items to decorate the salon with. Kelwyn volunteered to herd the children around and keep them occupied so the others could complete their missions.

Harry and Draco had frequent sightings of the rest of the family as they trekked from one shop to another. Once, Harry thought he saw Antoinette crack a smile, but he convinced himself he must have imagined it. Annemarie seemed invigorated by the activity, and Harry saw her waving madly at them from across the street on at least two occasions.

Harry was glad that he and Draco had one night to recuperate and rest...and to engage in scandalous, pre-marital sex.


The yacht was anchored far out in the Mediterranean. The water was calm, and the sun was shining. It was the perfect day for a wedding, Harry mused. Two weddings, he corrected himself. Harry and Draco strolled, arm in arm, up the aisle between chairs in the salon. They stepped to one side and turned to face their family, smiles on both of their faces. Harry heard someone sniffle, and he saw Narcissa raise a lacy kerchief to her eyes.

Algernon escorted his daughter, Adrienne up the aisle. She was wearing a pale, rose-colored gown that looked smashing with her blonde hair. Next, Lucius escorted Sharon into the salon. He handed her off to Adrienne before taking his seat beside Narcissa.

Of course, Granny Annemarie was front and center. She wore a lovely corsage for the occasion, which clashed with her lime green gown, and she was beaming with pride.

The captain cleared his throat to begin, and Harry turned to face him.

"Dear family and friends," the captain began. "We are gathered here today..."


Harry had his arm slung around Draco's waist, keeping his husband tight to his side. He knew they should probably separate for a time to mingle with the rest of the family, but Harry never wanted to let Draco go again. Sharon strolled by, wearing the same ridiculous grin that Harry could feel on his own face. They shared a fist bump in passing.

Eventually, Draco's mother claimed him away from Harry for a time, and Harry was left to mingle on his own. He ruffled Clementine's hair on his way to speak to Annemarie again.

"Hello, Granny. Are you getting tired?"

"Tired is for squibs, Harry," she scoffed. "Why, I haven't had so much fun in ages. Did you bring me a music box?"

"Granny!" Harry exclaimed in mock affront. "You will have to wait until your official party tomorrow night."

Annemarie chortled and patted Harry's hand. "That's fine, dear," she said. "You've already given me the best birthday gift I could have asked for."

Harry hoped she wasn't confused by the day's excitement. "Draco and I, we, ah, we simply renewed our vows, Granny."

"Of course, Harry," she said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Once a Malfoy, always a Malfoy." Annemarie's eyes went past Harry, and she released his hand to wave at someone else. "Sheryl, dear, come here and let me see your new ring!"

Harry recognized a dismissal when he heard one. He nodded to Sharon and wandered off to mingle some more. Harry noted that Draco was speaking to Narcissa and Lucius. He saw Catherine leave Algernon's side, and Harry wandered over to speak to him.

"Congratulations on getting the last of your children married off," Harry said with a smile.

Algernon grunted. "Sharon wasn't my first choice for Adrienne."

Harry stiffened in affront.

"I was hoping Adrienne would settle down with a pureblood witch," Algernon continued.

Harry's shoulders relaxed. "I thought you meant you were disappointed that Adrienne wouldn't give you any grandchildren," he confessed.

Algernon waved off Harry's concern. "They can always adopt," he said.

"That's true," Harry said, nodding in agreement. "Or, they could choose to go the route of surrogacy." As soon as Harry mentioned the idea, he realized that surrogacy was also an option for him and Draco.

Before Algernon could respond, Catherine called him over. Harry smiled at Draco across the salon before catching sight of Kelwyn, who was pouring champagne. Harry headed in that direction, ruffling Clemmie's hair on the way by again.

"Congratulations, Harry," Kelwyn said with a grin. He handed Harry the glass of champagne and poured another for himself. Kelwyn clinked their glasses together and said, "Welcome back to the family."

Harry took a sip and then chuckled. "As Granny says, once a Malfoy, always a Malfoy."

"I'm still a Tuthill, Harry."

"In Annemarie's eyes, you're a Malfoy," said Harry.

"Yeah, you're right, mate," Kelwyn agreed with a nod. "You know what? I wouldn't want it any other way. Collette's family makes me mental, but I consider it part of their charm."

This time, it was Harry who clinked their glasses together. "To the mad Malfoys," he toasted.

"Hear, hear!"

"Kelwyn, please refrain from getting my husband pissed," Draco said as he approached. "I have plans for him later," he added, snaking one arm around Harry.

"We were merely toasting to family," said Kelwyn. He turned and poured another flute of champagne before handing it to Draco.

"To family," Draco said, dutifully clinking glasses with Harry and Kelwyn.


Harry pulled out of Draco and rolled away, flopping on his back beside his husband. Harry chuckled. "Scandalous, pre-marital sex was brilliant," he said, "but not nearly as brilliant as married sex."

"I'm delighted you think so," Draco said, his words broken by a yawn. He snuggled closer. "Married sex is all you'll be getting from now on, Mr Potter-Malfoy."

Harry couldn't stop smiling. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Mr Malfoy-Potter."


The following day was spent at sea, as the Belle de Mer made its way to Croatia.

Harry and Draco missed breakfast with the family. Fortunately, Pansy had the presence of mind to send a tray to them. When Harry and Draco missed lunch, too, Narcissa sent a tray with a note that warned them not to miss Annemarie's birthday dinner that evening.


Draco sat up in bed and half-yawned, half-groaned. "I don't want to get dressed," he muttered.

"I think you look smashing wearing just your wedding ring, but the rest of our family may disagree," said Harry.

"Mm, flattery will get you anywhere."

Harry laughed. "We need to shower and get dressed," he said. "If Annemarie has to deliver a dinner tray, she may throw us overboard for missing her birthday celebration."

"I reckon you're right," Draco conceded with a sigh. "Come on, Harry. Let's share the shower."


"Harry, it's beautiful!" Annemarie exclaimed when she opened her gift from him. She withdrew the music box from its wrappings and handed it to Harry. "Would you wind it for me, please? These old hands aren't as dexterous as they once were."

Harry refused to be saddened by Annemarie's statement. This was a celebration, after all. He accepted the music box and wound it up. Harry gave the music box back to Annemarie, smiling as she beamed at him.

"Thank you, Harry," said Annemarie. "You have made an old lady very happy."

Harry had the oddest feeling that Granny Annemarie wasn't referring to her music box. Before he could question her, however, Antoinette intruded.

"Are you getting tired, mother?"

"Of course not, dear," scoffed Annemarie. "I'm having a wonderful time. You look knackered, however. Perhaps you need a lie-down, Antoinette. You're not as young as you used to be, you know."

Harry had to excuse himself and walk away, lest Antoinette hear him snickering and fire off a hex. Harry ambled over to the champagne fountain, where Adrienne was getting two flutes of the bubbly liquid. "How is married life treating you, Adrienne?" Harry asked her.

Her answering smile was reminiscent of Annemarie's. "It's wonderful, Harry, thank you. Had I known being married was this amazing, I would have dragged Sharon to the altar long ago."

Harry shared her sentiments. Married life was wonderful, and he was grateful that he and Draco had been able to regain that wonder in their lives. "Congratulations," Harry said to Adrienne. "I couldn't be happier for you."

"And, I am just as happy to welcome you back into the family," said Adrienne. "It hasn't been the same without you. Draco hasn't been the same without you."

Harry's throat got tight again. "We were meant to be together," he said.

Adrienne laughed. "Once a Malfoy, always a Malfoy," she agreed. Adrienne stepped close, kissed Harry's cheek, then returned to Sharon's side with the flutes of champagne.

Harry looked around the salon, spotting Draco in conversation with Pansy and her daughter, Andrea. Harry turned his head to see what mischief Annemarie might be getting into. He saw her in whispered conversation with Marcel. As Harry was wondering if Annemarie was giving Marcel relationship advice, he saw her instead pat his hand and slip him some money. Harry tracked Marcel as he crossed the salon and paused beside Denny. Marcel handed Denny the money and slapped him on the back. The two of them shared a laugh.

Harry was beginning to suspect a set-up. He snagged Andre as the other man was walking past. "Andre, what do you know of Marcel's friend, Denny?" Harry asked.

Andre shrugged. "Only that he and Marcel have been friends for some time," he said. "They met when they were both involved in the same acting troupe."

"Denny is an actor?!"

"Oui," replied Andre. "He has continued to pursue acting as a career, and he and Marcel have remained friends."

Andre left to speak to Adrienne and Sharon, and Harry took the opportunity to approach Annemarie again. "Granny," he began, striving to be tactful, "did you invite Marcel's friend, Denny on this cruise?"

She answered him with a question of her own. "Why do you ask, dear?"

Harry met Annemarie's gaze. Her eyes were sharp and bright, and they sparkled with intelligence and cunning. Harry was too happy to be angry at her, but he did give her a scolding. "Granny Annemarie, you're a mad, meddling witch, and I do believe you've orchestrated this entire cruise to your own satisfaction."

"What can I say, Harry?" Annemarie countered, squeezing his hand. "Once a Malfoy, always a Malfoy."


Additional note: The itinerary for the Belle de Mer was based on a similar Royal Carribean cruise:
Day 1
Departing Barcelona, Spain
Day 2
Provence (Marseilles), France
Day 3
Livorno (Florence/Pisa), Italy
Day 4
Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy
Day 5
At Sea
Day 6
Split, Croatia
Day 7
Venice, Italy

Cross-posted to hd_smoochfest

fest: smoochfest

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