Indulgence 16

May 27, 2015 20:30

Title: Indulgence 16
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, DUB CON, creature fic
Word count: 1130
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Donation gift for susan5124, in thanks for the Tornado Relief charity VGift. She requested more of Indulgence.
Summary: Draco must bide his time, in hopes of escape.

The next time Draco awoke, he was alone in the bed. Morning sunlight streamed in through the windows, and he frowned and turned his face away. Draco's head felt heavy, his thoughts sluggish, as if not yet fully awake. He rolled over, and the various, familiar aches in his body immediately cleared his mind.

Draco gasped and sat upright in bed. The covers fell away, revealing his nudity...and his vulnerability. He was being held here against his will, a prisoner of Harry Potter. Draco had to get out, he had to escape. He flung the blankets back the rest of the way and scrambled to the door.

It was locked.

Draco groaned in frustration and leaned back against the unyielding surface. He looked at the windows, but they were sealed and impenetrable, as he'd discovered earlier. With his options limited, Draco realized he'd have to resort to Slytherin cunning to free himself.

Knowing that Potter wouldn't appear again until nightfall, Draco made his way to the en suite to wash away the evidence of Potter's claim on him.


It was masochistic of him, Draco knew, but he was drawn to the windows when the afternoon shadows lengthened. As the sun went down, his anxiety increased, and it gave him a start to suddenly see Potter's reflection in the window. Draco whirled around, heart pounding with dread.

"Good evening, Draco," Potter said affably.

Clearly, he was barking mad.

"Would you like to go downstairs for dinner?" Potter asked.

"Yes," Draco replied quickly. He'd been cooped up in Potter's bedroom for far too long.

"Then you must earn the privilege."


"I would like you to submit to me willingly," Potter said, still in that infuriatingly polite tone.

Draco tensed with anger. "I assure you, Potter, I am far from a willing participant in your mad fantasy."

Potter simply shrugged. "You may change your mind in time," he said. "In the meantime, I want you to disrobe and spread yourself for me of your own free will. I could force the issue, of course, but I think we both agree that it can be far more pleasant for you if you yield without a fight."

Draco's stomach roiled. Potter was right; he could easily coerce Draco to do his bidding, but it left Draco feeling violated both physically and mentally. Potter obviously intended to have his way tonight, but if Draco gave in, perhaps the encounter would be over quickly, and he would then at least be free of this room.

Draco swallowed down the fury that threatened to choke him and reached for the buttons on his shirt. He undressed, hands shaking all the while. When he was naked, Draco stood before Potter, body tense as he awaited the vampire's next move.

"Very good, Draco," Potter praised him. "Please lie down on the bed and open your legs."

Draco moved to the bed on wooden legs. He sat on the edge, then lay back and shifted his feet apart. Draco closed his eyes.

"Look at me, Draco."

Reluctantly, Draco opened his eyes. He kept them on Potter, but he turned his attention inward, barely registering Potter's movements as he undressed himself. It was a small victory, but Draco savored it nevertheless. He was almost startled when the bed dipped beneath Potter's weight a moment later. Draco tensed when Potter crowded between his legs, and he instinctively tried to bring his knees together. It was a futile effort; Draco only succeeded in clamping his knees against Potter's sides.

"Soon, Draco," crooned Potter.

Draco heard him mutter a spell; he flinched at the slickness that invaded him as a result. Draco's cock twitched, and he was ashamed at his body's reaction to the prospect of imminent sex.

"Look at you," murmured Potter. "So determined not to enjoy it when I fuck you. Ah, but your body has other ideas, yeah?"

Draco didn't respond; he clenched his jaw and began to recite potion recipes in his head.

Potter chuckled. He shifted position, scooting back on his heels to put him at eye level with Draco's semi-interested cock. Potter wrapped his cool fingers around Draco's unruly flesh, and Draco tightened his fingers in the bedding beneath him in an effort not to respond. Potter's tongue darted out, and Draco was powerless to prevent the groan that rumbled in his throat. He felt Potter's chuckle.

All too soon, Potter's skillful mouth had Draco fully erect and throbbing for release. Only then did Potter allow Draco's cock to slip from between his lips. He surged back up Draco's trembling body and thrust inside of him. Draco cried out at the shocking pleasure-pain. Potter gave him no time to adjust; he simply began pounding into Draco again and again.

Draco tried to resist, he truly did, but he was unable to stop his hips from lifting to meet Potter's savage strokes. As if waiting for that sign of surrender, Potter lowered his head and clamped his fangs into Draco's throat. Another shrill cry escaped Draco, this one of fear and revulsion. His erection flagged momentarily, only to swell once more as Potter's cock dragged back and forth over Draco's prostate. Draco drew his legs up involuntarily, ankles locking behind Potter's back as they fucked. He would hate himself later; now, there was only the need for release.

Draco clung to his captor, moaning in pleasure. Potter drove in and twisted his hips, and Draco climaxed with a hoarse shout. Potter withdrew his fangs and set about shafting Draco, deep and hard. Draco went limp beneath him, exhausted, embarrassed and wanting nothing more than for the encounter to be over with. Finally, Potter stiffened and growled through his release. Draco mustered a sneer as he felt Potter spurting inside of him. When Potter pulled his spent cock free, Draco rolled away and curled on his side. He felt violated and used, and his appetite had fled.

Potter chuckled darkly. "There now," he said. "That wasn't so bad."

Draco felt Potter leave the bed, and the tense set of his shoulders relaxed minutely.

"Wash up and get dressed, Draco," said Potter. "We'll be eating dinner in fifteen minutes."

Draco rose from the bed with a wince. He had no desire to eat, nor to spend any more time in Potter's company than necessary. However, if he played along with Potter, perhaps Draco could catch Potter with his guard down and make his escape. It was worth a try.

Indulgence 17

gift: donation, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, verse: indulgence, rating: nc17, creature: vampire, content: dub-con

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