Back Me Up

Sep 03, 2014 20:37

Title: Back Me Up
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco, Harry, omc
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 795
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for vengence_on_ice, using the prompts stretch, squint, dress. This is a sequel to Zip Me Up.
Summary: Draco must bide his time while his partner baits a trap.

Draco sat on an uncomfortable, rickety chair in a darkened corner of the pub. He wanted badly to stand up and stretch, but he couldn't risk disrupting the minor Notice-Me-Not charm that was helping him avoid the attention of the pub's Muggle patrons.

Draco reminded himself to remain focused on his partner. Potter was relying on him to provide back-up, should the need arise. Considering that Potter was currently wearing a little red dress left Draco hoping that nothing else would rise. He tried not to think of his partner in a sexual manner, but bloody hell, Potter made a pretty woman. Draco enjoyed the company of both genders, and seeing Potter all dolled up in such a manner had put Draco's hormones on alert.

Draco had to grit his teeth each time some lecherous man tried to chat Potter up. Potter was supposed to be bait, which meant Draco had to bide his time and keep watch as his partner fended off the wolves. Someone had been pulling women from pubs in the area and assaulting them. His most recent victim was a Muggleborn witch, and she had gone to the Ministry of Magic when the police weren't able to provide immediate help.

No one knew what their target looked like. The victims who had come forward gave varying physical descriptions of their attacker. The only detail in common was that the man spoke with a faint lisp. For that reason, Potter had to sit and suffer as one bloke after another gravitated to him.

When a man with a heavy beard claimed the bar stool next to Potter's, Draco tensed anew. He narrowed his eyes, trying to squint through the smoke in the pub to get a good look at the bloke. They were certain their target was a Muggle. Potter had explained how Muggles could change their appearance with make-up and fake hair pieces.

Draco sipped his club soda, waiting for Potter's signal. Voices became raised to Draco's left, but he didn't so much as turn his head. Potter was relying on him to maintain his vigilance. Potter dropped his red clutch and bent down to pick it up. Draco's muscles bunched. This was it. He stood up.

Potter smiled up at the man and nodded his head. They stood up, too, and began moving towards the door.

Draco mentally cursed. That was not the plan. Potter was absolutely not to leave the pub with anyone but his Auror partner. Draco's path was blocked as he tried to hurry after Potter, and he quickly lost sight of his partner. By the time Draco made his way outside, Potter and the man were nowhere to be seen. Draco was reaching for his wand to cast a locator spell when the sounds of a scuffle came to his ears.

Draco finished drawing his wand and raced around the corner and into a dim alley. He was just in time to see Potter cock his fist back and smash the bearded bloke in the mouth. The man stumbled back with a startled yelp and landed on his arse. Draco raised his wand but had to check himself when Potter pressed his advantage. He took a quick step forward and stomped on the bloke's kneecap. Even Draco cringed when the man screamed in pain.

"Potter," Draco said sharply, drawing his partner's attention away from his downed opponent. Draco turned and cast some spells at the mouth of the alley to secure it, while Potter plucked the wand from his clutch purse and secured their prisoner with magical ropes.

"I'll take him in," said Draco. "Why don't you return to our office and try to relax?"


Draco trudged wearily to the office he shared with Potter. It had taken forever to sort out their prisoner. Questioning the man under Veritaserum had confirmed he was the culprit they were looking for. He would be Obliviated and turned over to the Muggle authorities, once the Aurors were through with him.

Draco had wanted to see Potter before going home to assure himself that his partner was okay. He'd have to settle for speaking to Potter in the morning. Draco opened the door of the office, surprised to see the lamp remained lit. He was even more surprised to see Potter there, still wearing his sexy, sequined dress.

"Potter," Draco said, clearing his throat. "What are you doing here?"

Potter stood up and scowled at Draco. "I need your help to get out of this bloody dress."

gift: birthday, content: cross dressing, rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, profession: auror(s)

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