Maid Me Wait

Apr 28, 2013 18:45

Title: Maid Me Wait Fifi!Draco verse #35
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Fifi!Draco, Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, role playing, cross dressing
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 655
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for mindedif - update to Fifi!Draco verse
Summary: Draco meets Harry's "curious little gadget".

Draco squirmed in his seat.

"Is something amiss, dear?" asked his mother.

"Not at all, mum," Draco replied smoothly. Inwardly, he was seething. He was going to kill Harry for this. The two of them were attending dinner at Malfoy Manor. Harry had been reluctant to accompany Draco, until Draco agreed to wear the curious little gadget Harry had bought at Scarlet and Satin. The gadget in question was a remotely controlled vibrating plug, to which Harry had the control. Harry had been pushing Draco's buttons, quite literally, ever since they arrived at the Manor. To make matters worse, Harry had insisted Draco wear a black and white teddy beneath his clothing. It resembled a maid's uniform, if said maid were to work in a bordello.

Draco knew very well what his boyfriend had in mind. Once they returned home, Harry would want to shag "Fifi" as his reward for attending dinner with Draco's parents.

Narcissa began to prattle on about the wonderful Greengrass sisters, no doubt in a bid to convince Draco to throw Harry over and marry one of the twits. Draco felt his eyes rolling as he fought not to yawn. A sudden tingle in his arse caused him to flinch.

"Honestly, Draco," scolded Narcissa. "You're as jumpy as a kneazle in a room full of crups."

"I'm afraid I'm not feeling my best, mum," said Draco. "Perhaps Harry and I should take our leave."

"We've just finished dinner, Draco," Lucius said. "Surely, you can stay and visit awhile longer?"

Draco recognized a command when he heard it, and he wavered. Another, stronger vibration from the plug convinced him to defy his father's wishes. Draco rose to his feet. "I think I need to lie down," he insisted.

Harry pushed his chair back and stood, cupping Draco's elbow. "If you're not feeling well, we'll go home," he said. "Not to worry, Mr and Mrs Malfoy. I'll make sure Draco goes straight to bed."

Harry was smirking, but no one was crass enough to mention it.


Harry withdrew the naughty toy from his maid's body. Fifi was bent over the arm of the sofa, skimpy black teddy bunched up to reveal smooth, pale skin.

"Shall I fill your pretty hole with my big cock instead?" Harry murmured.

"Oui, M'sieur!" Fifi agreed breathlessly.

Harry guided himself into place and thrust.

"Ooh, M'sieur!" squealed Fifi, giving a little wiggle.

"You've been wanting this all evening, haven't you?" asked Harry. He pulled out and plunged back in.

"Oui, M'sieur!"

"So have I, but you made me wait for it, you little strumpet," growled Harry. He drove in deep and twisted his hips.

"Oh, oh M'sieur!"

"Shall I spank you?"

"Oui, M'sieur!"

Harry smiled grimly and gave his maid's arse a stinging slap. Fifi responded with a breathless moan, and Harry could tell his maid was indulging in some self-pleasuring beneath the front of the crumpled teddy. He slapped Fifi's arse again.

"Oh fuck, Harry! I'm close...yes, yes, YES!"

Slick muscles tightened and contracted around Harry's cock, and he groaned and thrust in harder. Harry pumped his hips three more times before his own climax rushed through him. "Draco! Oh god..." he panted as he pulsed inside of his boyfriend.

Harry wilted over Draco's back, nearly planting him face-first on the sofa.

"Get up, you randy slag," Draco grumbled.

Harry levered himself upright and pulled free of the hot clasp of Draco's body. "Pot, cauldron," he snorted.

"That damned vibrating plug would have made anyone randy," Draco said in his own defense. Harry only snickered in response, and Draco's eyes narrowed as he tugged his teddy back into place. "Since you find it so amusing," he said, "I'll just visit Scarlet and Satin and buy a little something for you, shall I?"

Maid of Leather

content: role play, content: use of toy(s), content: sofa sex, content: established relationship, content: spanking, rating: nc17, verse: fifi!draco, content: top!harry, content: cross dressing, gift: birthday, content: partially clothed sex

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