Top Hat and Tail

Jun 24, 2012 17:18

Title: Top Hat and Tail
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/ferret!Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 550
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for entropy12, with a prompt of ferret!Draco with a hat on. This is from my Scrub verse.
Summary: Harry has been a bad boyfriend.

Harry walked along a darkened corridor, hands out before him to prevent bumping into anything. He encountered a door and fumbled for the handle, succeeding in pushing the door open. Harry stepped into an equally dark chamber. A shaft of light from the ceiling illuminated a hard wooden chair, and without thinking, Harry went to the chair and sat down.

A second shaft of light lit up a small podium. As Harry squinted at it, a white ferret in a top hat stepped up to the podium and grasped the edges with his tiny paws.

"Draco?" Harry asked timidly.

"Harry James Potter," intoned the ferret. "You are accused of being a bad boyfriend. How do you plead?"

Harry's jaw dropped, and it took him a moment to respond. "Not guilty," he said. "I'm a very-"

"Silence!" bellowed the ferret in Draco's most irate voice.

Harry shrank back in his chair.

Ferret Draco glared at Harry over the podium and adjusted his top hat. "The following charges have been brought against you as evidence: You continued to invite your ex-girlfriend into the home you share with your boyfriend, over his protestations. You baked blueberry pies for everyone except your devoted boyfriend. You refused to allow your boyfriend to play in the mud-"

"He tracks dirty paw prints all over the house!"

" didn't share your strawberry ice cream with your loving boyfriend-"

"I offered him some, and he refused!" Harry protested. He was growing angry now.

"...and you threatened to leave your boyfriend in the woods for predators to maul," finished the hat-wearing ferret. He pointed an accusing paw at Harry. "Guilty!"

"I'm not guilty!" cried Harry, struggling to rise from the chair. "Not guilty!"

"Not guilty," Harry gasped, sitting up straight in bed. His hands were trembling, and his heart was racing. "Nightmare," he grunted, scrubbing a hand over his face. Harry reached for Draco, needing the comfort his boyfriend could provide.

Draco wasn't there.

Harry huffed and lay back down. As he did so, a little paw patted him on the head, and a rough tongue licked his temple. Harry smiled and reached over his head, encountering Draco's soft fur. Once again, his boyfriend had chosen to transform into a ferret and sleep on Harry's pillow. It was endearing after a fashion, but Harry would rather have an armful of the real thing right now. Instead, he was stuck with a ferret hat.

Harry's mind flashed back to the top hat-wearing ferret in his dreams, and he frowned. Having a ferret draped over his head while he slept had probably caused the damned nightmare in the first place. Harry plucked Draco from the pillow and cuddled his ferret boyfriend against his chest. He supposed this would have to do.

Harry closed his eyes and tried to relax. The weight on his chest increased significantly, and Harry's eyes popped open again. In the dim light, he could see Draco's blond hair and feel it nestled against his chest. Harry stroked his fingers over Draco's head and sighed in relief.

"Something wrong?" murmured Draco.

"No," said Harry. "I was just checking to make sure you're not wearing a hat."

Riding the Roomba

content: animagus, content: established relationship, content: dream/fantasy, verse: scrub, animagus: ferret, gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: ferret!draco

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