AdventDrabbles #1; DH100 Christmas Challenge #1; HDSeasons Advent #1; Jae's Advent #1

Dec 01, 2011 19:24

Title: Ting-ting-a-ling
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 450
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
AdventDrabbles on InsaneJournal prompt #1 - Ringing Christmas bells
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge day #1 - One is ill for the holiday and the other is caring and supporting...or not
hd_seasons Advent Calendar Prompt Table #1 - Firewhiskey
♦ Jae's Advent Drabbles #1 written for flamingolady - plushie / Jae~Quills verse #83
Summary: Harry is driven mad by the sound of bells.


From upstairs, Harry heard Christmas bells ringing. Ordinarily, the sound was pleasant and brought a joyful smile to his face. Today was not an ordinary day. Draco was sick, and Harry had given him the bells so that Draco could alert him if he needed anything. As a result, Harry had been bustling up and down the stairs for one trivial matter or another all day long.

'Harry, would you fluff my pillow?
'Harry, will you rub my feet?
'Will you turn on the telly, love?
'Harry, I need a sponge bath.'

The sponge bath request had been no hardship, and Harry had enjoyed it immensely. Draco, however, hadn't been up to anything further, leaving Harry even more frustrated than before. Harry loved his husband, he did, and he knew Draco wasn't feeling well, but lately, the sound of bells set his teeth on edge.


Harry poured himself a shot of firewhiskey and knocked it back before trudging wearily up the steps. He pasted a smile on his face and opened the bedroom door. "How are you feeling, love?" asked Harry.

"Miserable," muttered Draco. He was huddled under the blankets and surrounded by the detritus of dozens of tissues. Draco's cat Amber was draped across his lower legs, no doubt enjoying the extended lie-in.

"What do you need?" prompted Harry.

"Would you get me a drink of water, Harry? I'm parched."

Harry eyed the pitcher of water and the glass that were on the nightstand within Draco's reach.

Seeing the direction of his husband's gaze, Draco whined, "That water has gone tepid."

"I will get you some cool, fresh water," sighed Harry. His ire dissolved when Draco beamed at him in delight. Harry carried the pitcher to the en suite and dumped out the old water before refilling the pitcher from the tap. He returned to the bedroom and poured Draco a glass. "Here you are," said Harry.

"Thank you," said Draco, accepting the glass and taking a drink.

"Do you need anything else?" Harry asked. Draco shook his head, and Harry left the bedroom. He made it as far as the top of the stairs.


Harry's shoulders stiffened, and he paused to count to ten.


Harry was forced to count to ten again before he could muster enough false cheer to return to the bedroom. He opened the door and peered inside. "Yes, Draco?"

"Harry, I dropped Pierre. Would you pick him up for me?" Draco wheedled, pointing to the teddy bear on the floor beside the bed.

Harry's teeth clenched as he stalked inside and snatched up his husband's beloved plushie and handed it to him.

"Thank you, Harry," chirped Draco.

"You're welcome," gritted Harry. He held his hand out. "Please give me the bells."

Draco blinked up at him in confusion. "But, why?"

"Because if you ring them one more time," warned Harry, "you'll be passing them in the morning."


challenge: jae's advent, content: established relationship, verse: jae!quills, content: pet(s), rating: pg, comm: adventdrabbles, comm: hd_seasons, challenge: dh100 special challenge

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