Bewildering Bi-Curiosity

Nov 12, 2011 17:46

Title: Bewildering Bi-Curiosity
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Oral
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1000
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for phoenixphire09, who requested more of A Baffling Bit of Bi-Curiosity
Summary: Harry asks Malfoy for a favor.

Harry couldn't sleep for thinking of his encounter with Draco Malfoy. The other boy had straddled Harry in a chair during a party, and the two of them had rubbed against one another until they had climaxed. It had been the best orgasm Harry had ever experienced. Memories of it kept him awake at night, furiously wanking himself to thoughts of Draco sodding Malfoy.

Even more enticing had been Malfoy's parting shot. He had encouraged Harry to come to him if Harry wished to satisfy more of his bewildering bi-curiosity. Harry was sorely tempted, and the temptation was growing by the hour.

Finally, Harry could stand it no longer.


Harry cornered Malfoy after their last class of the day.

"A word, Malfoy?" he requested.

Malfoy studied Harry for a moment, and his gray eyes brightened with a speculative gleam. He excused himself to his friends and followed Harry to a semi-private alcove in the corridor.

"Planning to take me up on my offer, are you, Potter?" Malfoy drawled.

"Well, I...that is...erm, yes," stammered Harry, blushing profusely. "That is, if the offer still stands?"

"I believe it does, Potter," said Malfoy, leaning close. He rested one forearm on the arch above Harry's head.

Harry's breathing quickened. He felt hemmed in by Malfoy, but his body was reacting with excitement rather than alarm.

"What would you like to try?" Malfoy asked him.

Harry's tongue flicked out to dampen his lips. "I...would you...Iwantyoutosuckmeoff," he blurted.

Malfoy's eyebrows rose. "Hasn't your girlfriend done that for you?"

"She's not my girlfriend any longer," Harry said, shuffling his feet nervously.

"Did you dump her because she wouldn't suck your willy?" teased Malfoy.

Harry's face reddened further. "No," he replied, "she broke up with me to pursue someone who was more interested in her."

Malfoy stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Very well, Potter," he said at last. "Meet me tonight, at eleven o'clock, by the statue of the One-Eyed Witch."


Harry had to have a wank after dinner. His erection had become too painful to ignore, and there was no way he would have been able to wait until later that night. As it happened, rubbing one out only relieved the ache temporarily, and he spent the hours until his appointed meeting time with Malfoy in a state of throbbing arousal.

As the time approached eleven, Harry hobbled his way to the statue of the One-Eyed Witch. He was early, which, of course, meant Malfoy was late. Harry began to wonder if Malfoy had deliberately stood him up and was having a laugh at his expense.

Eventually, at nearly quarter after the hour, Malfoy sauntered up to Harry. He offered neither an explanation nor an apology, saying only, "Are you ready, Potter?" At Harry's vigorous nod, Malfoy leaned back against the far wall in the small alcove and said, "Well, let's see it then."

"See it?" Harry repeated.

"Your prick, Potter," said Malfoy, gesturing at Harry's crotch. "Bring it out here so I can have a look at it. I can't very well suck it through your trousers, git."

"Oh, right," prattled Harry, fumbling his trousers open. He pushed them down his hips, along with his pants, until his cock bobbed free over the waistband of his clothing.

"Not bad, Potter," said Malfoy. He took a step forward and sank gracefully to his knees in front of Harry.

As Malfoy's fingers wrapped around Harry's bare cock, he nearly shot his load on the spot. Only by imagining Filch in a corset was Harry able to gain control of himself. Malfoy brought his lips close to the crown of Harry's prick, and Harry held his breath.

Cruelly, Malfoy drew back. "One rule, Potter," he said. "Don't pull my hair."

"I won't, I won't," Harry promised in an eager babble.

Malfoy nodded in satisfaction and closed his lips over the tip of Harry's cock.

"Oh dear Merlin," gasped Harry. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the wall, afraid that if he looked at Malfoy's pouty lips stretched around his cock that he would come embarrassingly soon.

Malfoy lowered his head, taking Harry in deeper. He applied suction, then pulled off completely. Malfoy's tongue became involved, lapping the head of Harry's cock and sampling the moisture gathering at the slit.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," groaned Harry. He tried to thrust forward, but Malfoy held him back. Malfoy took Harry in his mouth again. Harry reached for the other boy's hair, but he caught himself in time. Instead, he fisted his hands in his own hair and tugged while he was subjected to the delicious torment of his first-ever blow job. Harry made the mistake of opening his eyes, and the sight of Malfoy's mouth on him sent him over the edge. Harry stretched up on the balls of his feet and came with a harsh cry of pleasure.

Malfoy sputtered, but he gamely held Harry's cock in his mouth and swallowed. When Harry ceased ejaculating, Malfoy released him and stood up. He swiped the back of his hand over his mouth and scowled. "Warn a guy next time, yeah?"

"Sorry," slurred Harry. His legs were shaking, and he was in danger of sliding down the wall into a puddle of satisfaction.

"Alright there, Potter?" snickered Malfoy. His voice was rough, and that just made it seem sexier.

"Fantastic," breathed Harry. He knew he had a rather goofy smile on his face, but he couldn't be arsed to care.

Malfoy pressed himself against Harry, letting Harry feel the hard bulge in his trousers. "You've gotten off twice now with another bloke," he purred, rubbing against Harry. "I believe the next item you need to check off your Never Have I Ever list is to suck someone off, yeah?"

content: oral, gift: birthday, content: eighth year, rating: nc17, content: hogwarts era

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