Jae~Quills #74; HumpDay101 #6 (fluff week)

May 23, 2011 21:24

Title: Champagne and Flattery Jae~Quills verse #74
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco, guests
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Schmoop
Word count: 225
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Jae-Quills marriage prompt: bubbles
Written for: wellowned
Also written for: hump_day101 #6 - running out (fluff week)
Summary: Harry discovers the pros and cons of champagne.

Harry took another sip of champagne and sneezed as the bubbles tickled his nose. He'd never quite gotten used to drinking the luxurious, sparkling liquid.

"Behave yourself, Harry," scolded Draco.

Harry poked his new husband in the ribs. "I can't help it if champagne makes me sneeze," he said. "It's the bubbles."

"This is one of the finest vintages of one of the most exquisite champagnes ever created," chided Draco. "Please try to drink it without making a fool of yourself."

"I daresay you're more concerned I'll make you look foolish," said Harry.

"Nonsense," Draco said. He leaned close and kissed his husband's cheek. "I married you to make me look good."

"Tosser," grumbled Harry beneath his breath. "It's not too late to get an annulment."

Draco laughed at Harry's threat. "You're stuck with me now, Potter-Malfoy," he chirped.

Harry's mock frown softened. "I like that sound of that," he said.

"Of your new name?" asked Draco, sneaking in another quick snog. Some of the guests nearby cooed at them.

Harry grinned at their family and friends before turning a soft smile on Draco. "Yes, that, but I also like the prospect of being stuck with you."

"Flattery will get you...everywhere," murmured Draco.

"If not flattery, then I was counting on the champagne," snickered Harry. "Drink up, Draco."

"Perhaps I should refrain," mused Draco, gazing out at the assemblage. "At the rate Molly is drinking, we'll be running out of champagne soon."


content: fluff, rating: pg, comm: hump_day101, content: established relationship, verse: jae!quills

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