Dove drabble #69; HumpDay101 #4 (fluff week)

Apr 25, 2011 20:53

Title: A Fresh Start
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): A tiny bit of flangst
Word count: 325
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♥ Dove drabble #69 - It's never too late for a fresh start. for subtlefire
hump_day101 Prompt #4 - the replacement (fluff week)
Summary: Draco regrets his rash actions.

"How delightful to see I could be replaced so quickly in your affections."

Harry's heart skipped a beat at the sound of that beloved voice behind him in Diagon Alley, but he kept his emotions in tight check. After all, Draco had broken off their relationship three weeks ago, breaking Harry's heart in the process. "What are you going on about?" Harry asked as he turned around. He wasn't sure what his former boyfriend meant.

"I'm talking about him," sniffed Draco, using his pointy chin to point at Harry's new partner.

Harry bristled in reaction, but the look of hurt that flashed through Draco's eyes before Draco glanced away to brush at his sleeve melted Harry's resolve. Was it possible Draco still cared?

"Each of us senior Aurors has been partnered with a trainee for the next month," Harry explained.

"Oh," said Draco, and his dull gray eyes brightened. "He's...just your partner?"

Harry nodded. "I haven't been in the mood for romantic entanglements since you stomped all over my heart."

Draco actually looked chagrined. "Harry, I...I didn't mean to be so harsh. I don't even believe I meant to end things," he confessed. "I was jealous of your job and your friends, and I was feeling neglected and angry. I lashed out, and...well, I've regretted it ever since."

"I've regretted it, too," Harry said softly. The next move was going to have to be up to Draco.

"Do you suppose...?" Draco began hesitantly. He paused and took a breath before blurting, "Can we make a fresh start, do you reckon? If it's too late for that, I'll understand, and I'll...mmpf."

Draco's words were cut off by the pressure of Harry's lips. Harry raised his head and said, "It's never too late for a fresh start." He leaned in and kissed Draco again then stepped back and held out his hand. "Harry Potter," he said. "I'm pleased to meet you."

challenge: dove drabbles, rating: pg, profession: auror(s), comm: hump_day101, content: flangst, content: reunited

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