JMDC Gift!Fic: Displayed Before Him

Jan 05, 2011 14:48

Title: Displayed Before Him
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, bondage
Word count: 700
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Gift for rubytuesday5681 for winning August 2010's JMDC drawing, with a prompt of "That's my favorite painting ever!" This is a sequel to On Display.
Summary: Harry and Draco recreate their first time.

Harry found Draco in their private sitting room, where they often took tea or relaxed with reading material and even shagged on occasion. Draco was standing before a nude portrait of himself, and his fingers were idly stroking his erection through his trousers.

"If that's not the definition of narcissism, I don't know what is," drawled Harry.

Draco turned and gave Harry a cocky grin. "That's my favorite painting ever!"

"I can see why," murmured Harry, turning his attention to what he considered his masterpiece. It was a painted portrait that featured a nude and bound Draco lying on a silk-draped settee. "It's beautiful," Harry added. "You're beautiful in it."

"That's not what I meant," Draco said, stepping close and wrapping his arms around Harry's waist. "It's my favorite painting because of the memories associated with it."

They had indulged in their first shag on that very settee while Harry was in the process of painting the portrait.

"Would you like to reenact the scene?" teased Harry, cupping Draco's arse and dragging him into closer contact.

"Mm, sounds delightful," purred Draco, "as long as we skip the cock ring this time."

Harry didn't respond, opting instead to fit his mouth over Draco's. They kissed slowly at first while their busy hands removed articles of clothing. When Draco was nude, he lay down on the sofa and allowed Harry to bind his hands with an Incarcerous spell.

Harry moved back and paused a moment to enjoy the vision displayed before him. If anything, Draco was even more beautiful than before. His pale skin was flushed a rosy pink, and his nipples and cock stood at stiff attention, begging for Harry's touch.

Harry had lost his shirt while he was undressing Draco, but he left his trousers on as he approached his lover. The first time they had shagged, he had been fully clothed. Harry unbuckled his belt and withdrew his swollen cock. Draco thighs parted in eager anticipation, and Harry knelt on the sofa and said, "Lift your legs."

Draco draped one leg over the back of the sofa, and he slung the other over Harry's shoulder. Harry conjured lube in his palm and swirled his fingers through it. He rubbed the crinkled flesh of Draco's entrance before pushing two fingers inside of his lover.

Draco bit his lip and twisted his hips, gasping when Harry brushed over the sensitive bundle of nerves inside of him. "Now, Harry," he demanded.

Harry withdrew his fingers and stroked the remaining lube over his cock. He positioned himself and thrust forward, sinking into Draco's silky heat. Harry didn't allow Draco time to adjust. Their first time had been rough and raw and frantic, and he meant to recreate that feeling. Harry drove in to the hilt and pulled back before plunging in again. He established a hard rhythm, fucking Draco as if this were a casual one-off.

Draco keened in approval, raising his hips in encouragement. He met and matched each of Harry's thrusts, and his toes curled in ecstasy. His chest heaved with exertion as Draco twisted beneath Harry. "Touch me," he panted.

Harry wedged a hand between them and slid his palm up and down Draco's throbbing shaft. Draco cried out as pleasure crashed over him in waves. Harry felt his lover's release in the pulses against his belly and the tightening of the muscles around his cock. He pumped into Draco a few more times before his own climax spiraled out of control. Harry clenched his teeth and emptied himself inside Draco's trembling body. When the tension left him, Harry slumped over Draco, squashing him into the sofa cushions as they each fought to regain their breath.

Harry uncoupled them with a satisfied hum. He could have remained on that sofa forever, but one look at Draco's blissful expression inspired Harry otherwise. He clambered off of his lover and retrieved his paints and easel.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked, voice still slurred and drowsy.

"I'm going to paint you again," said Harry, "just like this. I'll hang this portrait next to the first one, and we'll call them Before and After."

challenge: jmdc, content: sofa sex, content: established relationship, content: bondage, content: partially clothed sex, rating: nc17

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