DH100 Christmas Challenge #7, Jae's Advent Drabbles #7

Dec 07, 2010 18:00

Title: Mistletoe, Jr. Tinsel and Mistletoe verse
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, OMCs
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 330
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge #7 - mistletoe
★ Jae's Advent Drabbles #7 - mistletoe for misplaced_exile
Summary: Mistletoe doesn't smell like it used to.
Author's note: Please do not link to Facebook or Twitter.

Harry straightened the star at the top of the Christmas tree and turned to see if it met with Draco's approval. Draco wasn't paying any attention; he only had eyes for one bloke, and it wasn't Harry.

Once again, Harry and Draco had hired Tinsel and Mistletoe, two fit male strippers, to help decorate for their annual holiday party and to serve drinks and hors d'oeuvres to their guests. However, neither of them had captivated Draco's fancy. Instead, Draco was cooing to William, Mistletoe's chubby baby boy. Mistletoe, whose name was Mike, no longer worked as a stripper, but Draco had offered him an exorbitant sum to reprise his role for the party. Draco had even offered to babysit until Mike's wife could collect William later that afternoon.

"Oi," said Harry. "Why is that Tim and Mike and I are doing all the work while you get to play?"

Draco finally glanced up from William's toothless grin. "I am babysitting," he declared, "and it's very important work."

Mistletoe entered the room in time to hear Draco's statement. "Mr Malfoy is right, you know," he laughed. "Entertaining William is a full-time job. Where would you like these, Mr Potter?" asked Mistletoe, indicating the box of decorations he was holding.

"Set it there, please," said Harry. "If you'll go help Tim in the kitchen, I'll finish up in here."

Mistletoe left to rejoin Tinsel, and Harry used his wand to flick decorations about the room. William gurgled happily on Draco's lap. Draco jiggled the baby on his knee and tickled William.

Harry observed his boyfriend and shook his head. "I suppose now you'll be wanting a baby."

Draco smiled up at him before giving a sniff. His nose wrinkled, and he frowned at William. "He's rather offensive at the moment."

Harry chortled in glee. "Since you're the designated babysitter, you get to change his nappy!"

A Drink With Tinsel and Mistletoe

challenge: jae's advent, rating: pg, content: established relationship, verse: tinsel and mistletoe, content: kid(s), challenge: dh100 special challenge, content: xmas

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