Desperate Delight

Dec 05, 2010 02:17

Title: Desperate Delight
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Word count: 875
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, creature!fic (characters are of age)
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warnings.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for oogies4u, who asked for a sequel to Dreadful Delight.
Summary: Draco surrenders to Potter once again.

Draco had shown up at Club Purgatory each night since his intense sexual encounter with Potter, only to go home disappointed and alone when Potter failed to put in an appearance. Not knowing where else to seek out the vampire, Draco visited the club night after night. His persistence paid off several weeks later, when Potter returned to Purgatory.

Draco's cock swelled, but he was determined to play it cool. He continued dancing with the bloke who had bought him his most recent drink. He was unable to keep his eyes off the vampire, however, and when Potter crooked a finger at him, beckoning him near, Draco was powerless to resist. He was barely aware of moving until he found himself rubbing against Potter as they danced.

"If I told you I wished to fuck you again, would you let me?" rumbled Potter.

"Yes," Draco replied without hesitation.

Potter smiled, a knowing smirk that displayed the tips of his fangs, and Draco's cock thrummed with excitement and anticipation.

"If I said I wanted you on your back beneath me, rather than up against a wall, would you invite me into your bed?"

Draco nodded. "Yes." Potter's hands cupped Draco's arse and tugged him into closer contact, allowing Draco to feel the hard ridge of his erection. Draco whimpered, and it was all he could do not to bare his throat and beg Potter to take him then and there.

"Take us there," Potter commanded. He stepped back and grabbed Draco by the arm, hustling him to the club's Apparation point.

Draco took a moment to concentrate before he whisked them away and into his bedroom.

Potter leaned against the wall and eyed Draco up and down. "Strip."

Draco dampened his lips with his tongue and moved to do the vampire's bidding. He unbuttoned his shirt with trembling fingers and shrugged out of it, hyper aware of Potter's eyes on him. Next, he toed his shoes off, followed by his socks. Finally, Draco unbuttoned his snug trousers, lowered the zip, and pushed the trousers down his hips. He was wearing nothing underneath. Draco's penis rose from the pale curls at its base, erect and eager. He shivered under the vampire's steady regard.

"Prepare yourself," said Potter.

Wordlessly, Draco got the lubricant from his nightstand and knelt upon the bed before drizzling the slippery gel over his fingers. Reaching back, he inserted two fingers and worked them in and out, scissoring on the downstroke. Potter watched him with hooded eyes, and Draco moaned in supplication. He wanted Potter's cock. Needed it, even.

"Enough," Potter husked. He approached the bed, undoing his own trousers on the way. His cock bobbed free, tip already glistening with pre-come.

Draco reacted by lying down and opening his legs. The bed dipped under Potter's weight as he crawled over Draco and insinuated himself between Draco's parted thighs. Draco closed his eyes and held his breath as Potter's cock nudged his entrance. When nothing further happened, Draco blinked his eyes open to see Potter staring at him with a faint smile on his face. "Please," Draco whispered.

Potter thrust forward and in, and Draco's knees jerked up in reaction, opening himself wide. The vampire's thick cock pushed forward unrelentingly until the teeth of his zip were imprinted on Draco's skin. It was too much and not enough. "Please," Draco whimpered once more, tilting his head to the side.

Potter bent close and sank his fangs into Draco's throat.

Draco cried out at the exquisite pain and clutched at Potter's biceps with desperate fingers. Potter afforded him no mercy. He drank of Draco's blood and fucked his body with rough and ruthless strokes of his stiff cock. Draco writhed beneath Potter, mouth open to emit whimpering cries as he surrendered to the vampire completely.

The steady suction at Draco's throat, the burning stretch of his hole, the back-and-forth friction over his prostate, and the sense of being pinned to the bed by Potter's solid body all combined to launch Draco into a white-hot orgasm. Draco wailed in pleasure as his cock spurted, his rim spasmed, and his toes curled in ecstasy.

Draco went limp under Potter when it was over. His legs splayed open limply, and his arms fell to the side as he trembled with aftershocks. Potter wasn't done with him yet; he continued thrusting into Draco until a low growl erupted from his throat. Draco felt Potter's release pulse inside of him, and a moment later, the deadly fangs were withdrawn. Potter's cock remained embedded in Draco as he brushed a thumb over the punctures he'd made, healing the small wounds.

Draco emitted a tiny sigh of disappointment when Potter's cock was withdrawn as well. "Stay," he implored, voice husky.

"I cannot," Potter said, rising from the bed.

Draco frowned and pushed himself up on his elbows. "Will you return?"

"Yes," replied Potter, after pausing a moment to consider it. "In the meantime, dream of me."

Debauched Delight

content: club fic, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, content: partially clothed sex, verse: delighted, creature: vampire

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