Aroused Anticipation

Aug 06, 2010 21:34

Title: Aroused Anticipation
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism
Word count: 1475
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for jaey_t, who asked for a sequel to Sexy Stranger.
Summary: Draco's need for his anonymous lover overrides his inhibitions.

Draco spent the day shifting in his seat in an effort to ease the erotic ache his lover had pounded into him the night before. When he wasn't shifting in discomfort, he was squirming in aroused anticipation. Draco had promised to return to Club Coquette to meet his anonymous lover at the same bench that he'd been bent and fucked over last night. He was nervous and excited, but there was no question Draco was looking forward to another encounter with the seductive stranger who had pleasured him so well.


Draco emerged from the Floo in the lobby of Club Coquette. He was wearing the same costume he'd worn on his previous visits here--a black silk shirt, red corset, short black skirt, stockings and boots. A mask adorned with black and red feathers covered his face, and a plug insured he would be ready for sex whenever his partner wanted him.

Once again, some of the club's more adventurous guests were coupling right there in the lobby while others observed. The cloying scent of sex caused Draco's cock to throb with need and tent the front of his pleated skirt. He picked his way through the writhing bodies, suffering gropes and pinches on the way. Draco eventually escaped out the French doors to the garden. He took a deep breath of the clean, cool air before making his way down the path to meet his lover.

Several other patrons of the club followed Draco at a discreet distance.


"My own personal Cinderella."

Draco shivered at the husky timbre of his lover's voice as the man greeted his arrival. He reached for Draco slowly as if afraid any sudden move would cause Draco to flee. Once he held Draco securely in his arms, the stranger lowered his head and branded Draco's lips with a hot snog. By the time Draco was released, his knees were weak.

The man stepped back and removed his cape with a flourish. He draped it over the polished wooden bench. "Your carriage awaits," he teased, "as does your prince."

Draco sat on the bench almost demurely. He noticed they already had a small audience, and Draco suffered an attack of nerves. Before, when voyeurs had stopped to observe his sexual encounters with his anonymous lover, they had already been engaged in the act. During those moments, Draco had been too lost in sensation to care. This, however was different.

As if sensing Draco's unease, his lover leaned close and said, "Relax, Cinderella. They don't know who you are. All they'll see is your beautiful body giving and receiving pleasure." His words caused Draco's cock to twitch in excitement, and Draco nodded his acceptance. "Lie back," rasped the stranger. "I want to watch your face this time."

Draco's breathing quickened, and he lay back on the bench, surrounded by the scent of his partner. Still unsure about performing for an audience, Draco kept his legs closed. The masked stranger stroked his hand up the outside of Draco's thigh, lifting Draco's skirt as he did so. "Open for me, love," he purred.

Draco quivered and parted his thighs. The man moved to the end of the bench and knelt on the ground between Draco's spread legs. His fingers skated over Draco's knees and up the insides of his thighs. He then grasped the handle of the plug Draco had inserted earlier. He twisted the handle, and Draco gasped and bit his lip. The plug was carefully withdrawn, and the stranger held it aloft for all to see. For Draco's ears only, he murmured, "Another trophy to add to my collection." The next sound Draco heard was his lover's zip lowering. The man shifted forward and husked, "Legs up, love. Your adoring public wants to see the show."

Draco hesitated. There was something incredibly intimate about the act of penetration, and he wasn't sure he wanted to share that moment with witnesses.

"Relax," crooned his lover, teasing Draco's sensitive rim with the tip of his penis. "Forget about them and focus on me and the pleasure I'm going to give you."

Draco's need was too great to deny himself any longer. He brought his legs up and rested his calves on the stranger's shoulders. The movement bared his lower body, and the combined anticipation of the participants and audience seemed to electrify the air. Draco held his breath at the first prod against his entrance, only to release it on a gasp as his lover surged forward and in.

A collective sigh went up from the assembled voyeurs.

Once again, Draco's partner did not allow him a moment to adjust, but rather began fucking him immediately. Draco bit his lip to prevent a whine of discomfort from escaping. When his lover changed the angle of his thrusts and prodded Draco's prostate, Draco's first cry of pleasure rent the air. He forgot about the watchers in the shadows and became lost in the basic act of sex. He gripped the sides of the bench to avoid being pushed off the opposite end by the force of the stranger's thrusts. Draco had never been subjected to such raw, unbridled passion before, but he'd quickly come to crave sex with this man.

Draco was aware of how he must look--exposed and spread beneath his anonymous lover, legs over the other man's shoulders, rim stretched tightly around his partner's thrusting cock. The anonymity afforded by Draco's mask was liberating and allowed him to become this shameless, writhing wanton who had sex with a stranger in a public setting surrounded by curious onlookers.

Draco's soft exhalations on each thrust increased in volume until he was yowling like a kneazle under his lover's sensuous onslaught. It was obvious he was getting it good, and the crowd of observers grew as more of the club's guests were drawn to the carnal display in the garden. Draco maintained his grip on the bench by force of will. His head thrashed side to side on the hard surface as the thick cock sliding in and out of his hole rubbed his prostate on each stroke. Neither of them was touching Draco's erection, but his body and balls were tightening even without the added stimulus.

"Come for me," husked his lover, and Draco did. He arched off the bench with a shrill cry. His pleasure was evident for all to see as ribbons of come shot from his cock and his rim clenched and spasmed around the shaft embedded in his hole.

An excited buzz went through the gathering of voyeurs.

Draco's body remained tense and taut, and his inner muscles continued to contract around his lover's cock until the stranger's orgasm was milked from him. He vocalized his pleasure with a harsh shout, and his hips twisted between Draco's thighs as he sought to grind his cock in as deeply as possible. When it was over, he slumped over Draco and seized his lips in a wet, open-mouth kiss. Draco felt his penis stir as a result of the hot melding of their mouths.

By the time the stranger lifted his head, most of their audience had dispersed. The few who remained were paired off and engaged with one another. "Our performance must have been inspiring," he chuckled. He eased out of Draco's tender hole and tucked his limp prick into his trousers.

Draco sat up with a wince. There was a dull ache in his lower back, and his arse was sore from his lover's vigorous pounding. Draco shivered as spunk and lube dribbled from his hole to stain the back of his skirt. He got stiffly to his feet, and a hand reached to steady him. "Thank you," he murmured, feeling shy once more in the presence of the man whom he'd now allowed to fuck him for the third time.

"Will you stay?" asked the stranger in a wistful voice. "We can wander through the gardens and play the part of observers rather than entertainers for a change."

Draco smiled at that. They had shared the most intimate act possible, yet he knew so little about this man. Still, he vacillated. This was meant to be anonymous, meaningless sex; he shouldn't be curious to know more about his lover.

"Say yes," urged the masked stranger, stepping close to stroke Draco's hips through his clothing.

Draco opened his mouth to tell him no, but what came out was, "Yes."

Venturesome Voyeurs

verse: club coquette, content: outdoor sex, content: public sex, rating: nc17, content: cross dressing, content: voyeurism, gift: birthday, content: partially clothed sex, content: exhibitionism

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