HPAnimagus: Stuck (white!cat verse)

Apr 20, 2010 22:25

Title: Stuck white cat arc 5
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 610
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for the current challenge at hp_animagus, which was to use feline!Animagus Draco and the prompt words tunnel, tree, hide. This is part of an arc, but it can be read as a stand-alone.
Summary: Draco chooses another tricky hiding place.

Harry said his goodbyes to Ron and Hermione and their children, watching as they vanished through the Floo. He then sighed and set about the tedious task of finding his boyfriend. Draco wasn't fond of Ron and Hermione, and he was horrified by their children. As a result, Draco had a tendency to hide when the Weasleys came to visit. Unfortunately, he didn't just sequester himself in the bedroom for a couple hours--no, Draco assumed his feline Animagus form and hid.

Harry shook his head and hoped he wouldn't have to rescue his boyfriend from a tree again. He stepped out the back door into the garden and called, "Draco! Draco, where are you? Our visitors have gone...you can come out now!"

There was no answer, not even a meow.

Harry was tempted to go back inside, but he knew Draco was prone to getting himself stuck in his various hiding places. Muttering under his breath, Harry ventured further into the garden. "Draco, are you out here?" Harry made his way to the Japanese cherry tree Draco had once climbed and needed to be rescued from. "Draco?" His boyfriend wasn't cowering among the branches.

"Draco!" Harry yelled. A plaintive wail answered him. "Where are you?!" Harry demanded. He heard another pathetic meow. Harry scanned the foliage, but he saw no sign of Draco's distinctive white coat. He drew his wand and performed a locating spell. The tip twitched and pointed Harry in the direction he needed to go.



Harry followed the guiding tip of his wand until it led him to a drainage ditch at the bottom of the garden. The tip of the wand pointed down. "Draco?"


Harry knelt in the grass and peered into the small, concrete tunnel that allowed water to flow beneath some of the landscaping. A pair of gleaming eyes glared back at him. "Come out of there," Harry ordered.

Draco responded with another mournful meow.

"Do not tell me you're stuck," cried Harry.


Harry sat back and took his glasses off to wipe his brow as he considered possible solutions to Draco's dilemma. His boyfriend couldn't change in that confined space, and Harry was reluctant to Accio him out for fear of injuring him. He eventually opted to cast a spell to enlarge the tunnel. "Come on out, Draco," he coaxed.

Draco inched forward on his belly, and once he was near enough, Harry reached in and dragged him out the rest of the way. Draco yowled in protest and clung to Harry, all filthy and trembling.

"Let's get you into a nice, hot bath," soothed Harry, stroking Draco's dirty white fur. He carried Draco into the house and through the bedroom to the master bath. Harry flicked his wand to start the taps running in the tub, and he found himself with an armful of naked, shivering boyfriend. Harry's body perked up, but he needed to see to Draco first. "Into the bath with you," he urged.

Draco disentangled himself and took a wobbling step into the large tub. Harry conjured frothy bubbles for him, and Draco sank down to his chin with a grateful sigh.

Harry cleared his throat. "Would you like me to-"

"Stay," Draco said in a small voice. "Please."

Harry nodded and tried not to appear too salacious. If Draco wanted him to stay, it meant he'd be wanting some nerve-soothing sex as soon as he left the bath, and Harry planned to take good care of his boyfriend.

content: hurt/comfort, content: animagus, comm: hp_animagus, verse: white cat, rating: pg13, content: established relationship

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