Title: Natural Enemies
emthejedichicRating: PG
Pairing: Galen Marek/Mara Jade friendship
Summary: After a brief meeting as children, Galen Marek and Mara Jade next come face-to-face as secret apprentice and Emperor’s Hand… and find a part of themselves that they never knew existed. One-shot.
Disclaimer: Really, really not mine.
Even at their first meeting, things weren’t simple. ‘Simple’ wasn’t a word that had ever been able to describe either of them. )
Comments 5
When I played TFU, I always thought that it would've have been the perfect story for Mara to have been included in somehow, and I was disappointed that they didn't try. Thank you for writing this - seeing just one possible interaction between Mara and Galen is great. :)
Mara/Galen is SO OBV. I would totally have made it more romantic, too, but she's too young for him.
Reading this has made me a little bit more determined to write my own TFU fic with Mara, so I thank you for that.
Although I am writing a fic where the main couple are separated by a 16-year age difference... The younger one's legal, though, so it's OK.
I made you determined to write a fic? I'm honored! Send me a link when you post it up, yeah?
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