Title: The Time Machine
Genre: Romance, Humor, Fantasy
Pairing: Klaine, Brittana, Rory/?
Rating: PG - PG 13
Spoilers: none.
Disclaimer: : I own nothing...and do not claim to.
Summary: In a moment of what could be called absolutely brilliance or stupidity, Rory Hummel-Anderson decided that the only way to get his Papa back was to go back in time and stall
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Comments 10
And Ah! Makes so much more sense now. For some reason I thought Santana and Brit knew who exactly Sugar was. Not so then XD
All the feeeeelings for Rory and Klaine. Kurt just seems to connect so well with Rory, almost instinctual and I'm hear like AWWWWW!!!! And lol-ing at Blaine seeing the possibility of being jealous at the attention Kurt gives Rory. AH!!! They are so adorable! Love this chapter for the Klory scenes!
Totally looking forward to the Rory and Sugar reconnection.
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And Poor Rory is handling it so well. I think he definitely still cries in his sleep for Blaine and now even Kurt.
We'll see how it all ends. I don't know for sure yet. After all time-travel: anything could happen.
It breaks my heart every time Rory is with Blaine. It must be so hard for him not to just hold him tight and never ever let go. I love the way you write and I love this story. Can't wait for more =D
Poor Rory, I feel so bad for doing that to him. I think that's why I've avoided a lot of one on one scenes with them. I don't think Rory could handle it very well, but he's been good so far.
Not necessarily. The First Time was covered in two chapters (though I really should have done it in one) and I think Pot of Gold was ch. 1 and 2.
Mash Off I know I could have dragged on into another chapter, specially if I made the Santana storyline more important and I did want to have a bit of Rory's reaction to Finn outing her as well as how Kurt and Blaine dealt with it a bit so it could have been two chapters.
There was also a bit about Kurt's speech for his campaign which would have been fun to write about. But it really depends on what's important from the show for the story and what I wanted to get from this one was Rory figuring out he hadn't talked to sugar and the dodgeball scene.
But I do try to not go into another episode halfway through a chapter, so sort of. I am going off the show canon a bit, but we'll see what changes I will throw in soon.
Not abandoned. I'm just on a slight hiatus. I'm finishing another fic and with school I don't have time to do that and write this one, so it'll be the focus once that one's finished.
Not to mention I did have minor writer's block for this.
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