[Inmate Filter]
Have any of you have spoken with Mozenrath recently - and I do not mean "in passing".
A conversation.
[Filtered to some of the people Snape contacted previously regarding spending time with Mozenrath: The Tenth and Seventh Doctors, Aleera, Rayne, Ardent, Elphaba, Loki, Merlin, and Kay]
My inmate is bored, apparently. Time to redouble your efforts.
[Private to Aleera]
Edit to add: Aleera, keep your hands to yourself this time, if you would. He does not wish to bear children.
[Private to Martha]
I'd like to borrow a scanner.
[Private to Mozenrath]
I think I've an idea to alleviate your boredom.
[Private to Molly and Tony]
Which of you has nothing better to do with your time? Foster, do you have an inmate?
[Private to Toshiko]
Empress Toshiko?