[Private to Toshiko]
Miss Sato,
I write this under no duress or compulsion from my warden or any others here on the Barge. It is neither to quell the sudden outcry against me - as you can see for yourself, I have made it a private message - nor to alleviate any guilt I may feel.
First, I have - had - no particular issue with you. You were merely a convenient bystander (or so I thought - in hindsight, I should have assumed you were armed and capable of causing me a good deal of physical injury). Yes, you were my first choice for a target; however, anyone would have been acceptable.
Second, you were not in danger at any time. I would never have harmed you. Perhaps you will argue that the use of that potion was harmful, but I disagree: there should be no lasting effects. A migraine would be more harmful. In any case, it was my intention to convince you that I would follow through with my threat.
For both of these, I apologize. However, I will not ask for your forgiveness. I'm not a fool.
I wish neither to explain my actions (whether to you or any other) nor to apologize to the Barge as a whole, but I believe that I am likely - probably - indebted to you for the entire debacle. I will defer to your decision on this matter, and yours alone: if you wish a formal apology and public explanation, I will endeavor to provide one.
-S. Snape
[Private to Martha - Strikes legible]
Dr. Jones,
Thank you for
You needn't have
I'm sorry. I've done nothing to earn your loyalty.
- S. Snape