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Comments 143

fromxerox September 1 2011, 13:49:28 UTC
[What's that? People beating him up? Nothing new, and no one is surprised. He's still at that stage where there's a relatively safe distance between him and the attacker. Pledge couldn't get any more smug than this.]

I'm telling you, man, you don't wanna do this.

[That stupid smirk can't be aiding his cause. Probably why the anonymous person lunges at him and manages to send a punch across the boy's face. Pledge collapses on the ground, but he doesn't do so alone. A second Pledge pops out into existence with the punch, a third shows up with the impact on the ground. The copies are getting back on their feet while the original chooses to remain comfortable on his ass. The look on the attacker's face is good enough to bring back a grin.]

I told you so.



naejauer September 1 2011, 15:10:00 UTC
[ ... stares at him (all three of him) like he is the weirdest thing she has ever seen in her life ]


fromxerox September 1 2011, 15:42:46 UTC
[The others seem to share her opinion, and that's good enough to give the two duplicates some advantage in the fight. They're still going at it when Pledge finally gets back on his feet, dusting off his hands. There's always time to say hello to a pretty lady, especially when he'd rather keep her around than risk having her run off to tell others to join the fight against a filthy superhuman.]

Hey, how you doin'?


naejauer September 1 2011, 16:55:19 UTC
Very well, thank you.

[ She carefully raises a small, odd looking pistol in her hand, taking aim and firing at an approaching figure with a less than pleasant expression on their face. The figure crumples immediately, and she turns her attention back to Pledge, raising a smooth eyebrow. ]

Interesting tactic. [ Her tone is rather flat and cool, but does not suggest any threat or overt mistrust. ]


lodevole September 1 2011, 14:13:44 UTC
[Pff. Give it a few seconds before Femesi has his two attackers hugging each other and walking off to start their brand new lives together. He barely escaped a good couple of punches, though, so he's just a little shaken up from the scare. It probably caused his power to lash out a little stronger than intended...]


justsqueeze September 1 2011, 14:22:19 UTC
No. No.

[He's loud, desperate, voice scratching his throat. He hates the anger that seeps into him from the people going after him, it's hollow, there's no good reason behind it and it makes them practically inhuman. It's too bad that the pain he feels from their violence bounces back right to them, until it just makes them angrier and more violent still.]



stirsupstrife September 1 2011, 14:26:45 UTC
[Just watching this all silently, arms crossed, one hand tapping long nails slowly against the elbow of the other arm. None of the attackers seem to notice she's even there, despite how close some of them come to her. It's hard to tell if she's pleased by what she's seeing or not - maybe it'll become clearer, once more blood's been shed.]


youneedto September 1 2011, 15:06:25 UTC
[Blood? No, there will be no blood with this one. Hands connect with his face, yes, but instead of an impact, they simply sink into his skin, as if disappearing into thick water.]

Why would you do that? [Nicholas asks a bit pathetically, an obvious undertone disguised by his own denial. The darker, helpless side is eager, he hasn't absorbed anyone in so long. This isn't his fault, right? They had it coming).

The other man starts to scream once he realizes that he can't pull his hand back out. It's Nicholas' turn to reach out and press his fingers into the attacker's face. The others can only seem to stare at their friend's (?) face melting away into bony fingertips.]


stirsupstrife September 1 2011, 15:37:46 UTC
[Christ on a cracker, where do these weirdos keep coming from? The other guy's long gone before she speaks up. Not like she was going to try and save him or anything, what sort of demon would she be if she did that?]

Well aren't you a creepy fucker.


youneedto September 1 2011, 15:54:41 UTC
[What? No, it mustn't be him she's talking about, and he agrees with himself by shaking his head, completely alone, back turned to her. The other men knew better than to wait and see what would happen to them and have taken off to abuse someone else.]

I-I didn't do anything, no.


monstertoy September 1 2011, 15:02:20 UTC
[ He's not really putting up much of a fight. Backed into a corner like a scared animal, he tries to sheild his rather bloody face with his arms, yelping at every blow that strikes him from this one rageful individual. He briefly considers simply giving up - his knees are going pretty weak as it is - but the thought of actually dying is too frightening. It's not too bad, he tells himself. Not that much worse than what he's already dealt with before. Just a lot more... relentless. ]


lodevole September 1 2011, 16:06:26 UTC
[They've probably never even considered that a fox could be so vicious towards humans unprovoked, but it looks like there's some loyalty attaching this one to the boy being unfairly bludgeoned. Sharp teeth dig into an arm and pull on it until all the attention is focused on the creature.]


monstertoy September 1 2011, 17:00:01 UTC
[ When Adam slowly realises that he isn't being hit anymore, he leans back against the wall behind him, his knees folding, sliding down until he's just a crumpled little heap of breathelessness. Inhaling and exhaling heavily, he only just about registers the fact that he appears to have been rescued by a fox of all things.

He wonders if he's hallucinating, or perhaps has a concussion.

Adam's attacker seems more concerned by a vicious little canine than by Adam - at least the scraggly man wasn't putting up much of a fight. He tries to wiggle away from the fox, grunting and muttering with the fox, pushing and flapping at it with his free arm. ]


lodevole September 1 2011, 17:49:46 UTC
[Femesi yelps and whines and growls as their little conflict continues. The attacker finally manages to shake the animal off him, and the fox makes a rather elegant landing, considering the circumstances.

Before any other violent initiative is taken, Femesi runs over to Adam, pulling on his shirt with his teeth. Come with me, Adam, we won't be safe here, come on.]


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