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Comments 42

lodevole August 1 2011, 17:34:44 UTC
[What's that? A perfect place for me to flop down and laze around for a while?

Don't mind if I do, grass.]


wigglesalong August 1 2011, 17:48:50 UTC
Oh, you're rather a handsome little fellow, aren't you...

[ Tristan's head is poking out from behind a nearby corner, and he very slowly, gently moves around it to plop down on the ground also. His smile is broad, very relaxed. He doesn't want to scare the lovely fellow away, but he also wants a good observation point. ]


lodevole August 1 2011, 17:56:20 UTC
[The little fox doesn't seem to notice his presence despite the commentary, giving him only a flicker of his ears. Femesi's eyes are shut and he's relaxed and curled up, taking the nature around him in. You're free to join me Tristan, closer if you like, as long as you don't try to take me away.]


wigglesalong August 1 2011, 18:17:07 UTC
[ After a little while spent simply watching him, Tristan decides to inch closer. He can sense that the fox isn't frightened and is rather comfortable. Tristan has always been rather fond of foxes - though that is saying little, because he has always been fond of many creatures - so this seems like quite the opportunity! ]


gentlydone August 1 2011, 17:40:16 UTC
[ ... peeks over the top of a hedge

as you do ]


obtainthedream August 1 2011, 17:46:15 UTC

Of course it had to be in a pretty and green fantasy setting.

On the other side of that edge is a gentle girl, tall for her age, staring up at him with big blue and inquisitive eyes. However did you reach that high?]


gentlydone August 1 2011, 18:09:51 UTC
[ Where else but a pretty and green fantasy setting?

Upon seeing the young lady, a natural, friendly smile crosses his face, though he quickly misreads the curious look in her eyes. A little apologetically, he inclines his head in greeting. ]

Ah, good day... I hope I am not intruding, such hedges have never been much of a match for my height.


obtainthedream August 1 2011, 18:59:19 UTC
[She arches her eyebrows softly, balancing herself on the tip of her toes before she falls back to stand normally, hands neatly clasped behind her summer dress. She shakes her head in answer to his concern, then shapes her lips into a kind and intrigued smile. Quyllur isn't given to words, but she produces enough to begin a conversation with the more patient.]



ifyoujustletme August 1 2011, 19:03:32 UTC
[Oh. Okay, then, if you insist. A labyrinth can't hurt. At least he's alone for now, no one will see him if he gets frustrated.]


partofthe August 1 2011, 19:16:33 UTC

[ One of your little sisters is skipping about somewhere nearby, humming to herself and clearly enjoying the challenge! ]


ifyoujustletme August 1 2011, 19:33:21 UTC
[Dammit! His one chance to be free and independent to later his family all about it!

Then again, who is he kidding.

It's a little hint of a suspicion that soon becomes a certainty when he pays a little more attention -- it's his sister producing a soft soundtrack to the otherwise quiet adventure. He follows, neither desperate to find her nor determined to avoid her, taking turns to appreciate the strange shapes the plantations were cut into until he finally sees the back of his sister's head.]

There you are.


partofthe August 1 2011, 20:27:26 UTC
[ She twirls around at the sound of her brother's voice, her calm smile turning decidedly delighted upon seeing him. ]

Alan! [ Without another thought she bounces across the grass (barefoot, as ever) towards him, unashamedly happy to see him. ] And there I thought I'd be stuck wandering around here on my own the whole time!


yeahithappens August 1 2011, 19:10:59 UTC
[This is... so beyond her. How did she even end up in here? Confusion is an euphemism for what she feels, staring for a long, frozen moment before she drops her shoulders, grimacing.]



concevait August 1 2011, 20:30:34 UTC
[ Grass and greenery. Greenery was good. Green was a positive, calming colour. Cesar planted his feet firmly in the earth and breathed in deeply - there was no toxic after tang of burning rubber here, no billowing exhaust fumes, no black petrol staining the air. It was cool and clean and completely lacking in any of the sharp blackness he’d come to associate with leaving his house. It was... manageable. ]

[ But the sound of movement and a voice startled him. He twists quickly to confront the source and knows that just because said source seems to be a lost woman it doesn’t make it any less a potential threat. His face is closed and defensive as he presses his lips in to a thin, wary line. ]


[ It’s a greeting, he supposes, but his tone is completely devoid of any warmth or feeling - so perhaps it is no real greeting at all. ]


yeahithappens August 1 2011, 22:53:46 UTC
[She isn't necessarily scared or startled, just very tense. Weird circumstances with a man she's never met before don't mix up very well, but Danielle knows her way around.]

... Hey.


concevait August 3 2011, 10:25:13 UTC
[ mmm tension. There's a loaded pause as Cesar half turns away as if to leave but warily keeps his eyes trained on the woman. He waits silently, gauging the way she stands and the tone of her voice, before hesitantly asking: ]

This garden, is it yours?


witchsea August 1 2011, 20:33:24 UTC
[ the unnaturally crafted shapes of the shrubbery reminds him of the finely-kept gardens and pathways of grand houses, and so that is where Nicholas automatically assumes he is. Perfectly happy to stay a little lost amidst all this greenery, Nicholas wanders the labyrinth with his hands clasped amiably in the small of his back and pauses sporadically to inspect a flower or two. Sooner or later, he thinks to himself, he’s sure to happen upon some gardener or game-keeper to show him the way out. Fancy places like these always had gardeners and game-keepers - who else would have tended the flora so tenderly? With this in mind he continues his wanders and meanders further and further in to the depths of the maze. ]


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