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Comments 14

thartek November 13 2005, 23:04:48 UTC
Ok, I read most of Morisson's New X-men run, and like most of it, except for the last arc; That was kinda weird. I've stopped reading X-men pretty much across the board, because there's so much to follow, and so much continuity that I have no chance of catching up on (unless I borrow 3-4 long boxes of x-books from you and I DEFINITELY don't have the time for that).

I think Bendis is TOTALLY shaking up the X-verse. At the end of House of M, I was serioulsy considering buying more of the X-books just because of this. There were 1.3 million mutants, and now they're down to like 200. I'm curious why some still have powers, while others do not. There will definitely be answers upcoming though. I just read the Decimation book which was totally focused on the X-men, and the ending freaked me out. Yikes for the X-men...

So maybe I'll start reading more?


empressith November 14 2005, 13:03:00 UTC
Mr. Ed Brubaker (the co-genius behind Gotham Central) is heading up this whole Decimation thing, so I'm definately in for the ride.

Another thing about Decimation: I'm sure it will be a cool story (see above, Ed Brubaker) but how long until some jackass comes along and changes everything back.

I forgot to mention, and realized this on my way to the movies last night that a lot of this X-Men manifesto was triggered by a conversation I had with Nathan the other night.


thartek November 14 2005, 13:07:35 UTC
I do like Brubaker... Damn... I guess i'll be upping my subscription list


empressith November 14 2005, 13:37:31 UTC
Yeah, well, that's what happens when Ed Brubaker starts to rock the casbah. You up your sub list. Have you been reading Infinite Crisis?


Morrison' s Run(from G@P) anonymous November 14 2005, 19:22:23 UTC
I don't know...I appreciate the freaky elements of Morrison's writing...but a coherent narrative would be cool from time to time...His writing/dialogue has always been a weird fit but there are times when it just rubbed the X-Men the wrong way....And you're right. The musical-chair art chores didn't help things. And I'm sorry. HERE COMES TOMORROW sucked ass. Morrison and Silvestri(who CARES?) were going for mind-expanding-at-light-speed COSMIC and ended up with, well, a mess, really.

I don't read any X-Titles except ASTONISHING. Joss Whedon makes the whole concept accessible, streamlined, and is telling some thrilling, SOLID, coherent stories...Although with Ed Brubaker coming on board, it may be time to read about Muties again.

Two points: 1) HOUSE OF M is half-baked.(Wheeeeeee! Another wrong-turn alternate reality tale!)

2)X3 has me REALLY nervous...Could this undo the fine work of the previous flicks?

Thanks for listening...


Re: Morrison' s Run(from G@P) empressith November 14 2005, 19:30:24 UTC
That was the name of that crap story: Here Comes Tomorrow. It sucked!

Don't step on Bendis dogma! It came together very well at the end. Some of the other mini-series didn't make sense in continuity, like Spider-Man.

X3? I haven't heard anything hardly about it.


secretagentclaw November 15 2005, 01:52:59 UTC
Hear, hear. I agree pretty much 100 percent with you. I bought Morrison's New X-Men run in hardcover and have read it at least three times since--it's simply mind bending in its scope, tone and innate understanding of the characters. It was horribly hampered by the rotating art schedule--Quietly's a genius and is the yin to Morrison's yang, but the guy is just too damn slow for a regular monthly (how he will do on All Star Superman, I don't know, but the first issue is gorgeous). Van Scriver was good, but Igor Kordey was sloppy (and poorly inked, it seemed)--in fact, in one of the last issues of that arc with the Shiar, there were a couple pages so out of order that what should have been a splash page was broken up and separated by ads. Anyway. But even when Morrison wasn't making any sense (and "Here Comes Tomorrow" was a mess), it was still exciting and fun. If I remember right, the last issue of Morrison's run shipped the week before Claremont's new Excalibur came out--in which Magneto re-appeared in the first issue (and don't even ( ... )


empressith November 15 2005, 13:30:49 UTC
So then (and perhaps we should discuss this in another post) what do you think of Infinite Crisis?

I miss Morrison on X-Men. He was rad. He was awesome on JLA too. I'll never forgot when Batman nailed the white Martians. Or when Kyle made a huge head with a straw to drain a flooded San Diego I believe it was.

And another thing: are you reading Seven Soldiers?


nellisir November 15 2005, 01:59:05 UTC
The Morrison/Silvestri story (Here Comes Tomorrow?) was, of course, my favorite. Finally some answers. Finally a decent artist (nope, don't like Quitely). And I think Morrison wrote some stuff that was just...pointless. I don't know if it was supposed to go somewhere, and the editors nixed it, or if it was just pointless. The "new" Angel. Beak. Blech. The Cuckoo Sisters were cool (they're less cool now as the Three-In-One, and only partially because it should be the Three-Who-Used-To-Be-Five-In-One), and they didn't get explained until Here Comes Tomorrow.

And I don't think Moonstar's had any "secondary" mutations. The expression & control of her power has changed, but the essence hasn't. She can scare the bejeebers out of you.

More later, after Prisonbreak.


empressith November 15 2005, 13:27:45 UTC
Dani is scary. I wouldn't mess with her. I can't imagine her not having her powers for long. I didn't like Silverstri's Wolverine with his tight pants. Wolverine isn't a Calvin Klein model. I liked the new Angel. She called someone--I think Wolverine--a pervert and told him not to touch her wings. And I liked that she had like a litter with Beak. That was weird but cool. Of course students at Xavier's are going to be humping! The Cuckoo Sisters rock. "She's kissing him now. That practically makes her a slut." I'll reread Here Comes Tomorrow for you Nathan. I didn't didn't like it the first time around.


nellisir November 15 2005, 23:04:58 UTC
In no particular order...

I don't -mind- Angel & Beak -- but I wouldn't pay money to read about them. It was weird, and essentially off the point of the X-Men for me.

Dani has a vibe like Storm, but worse. They'd both kill you if they had to, but Dani wouldn't feel bad afterwards. So, maybe it's more of a Wolverine vibe....

I don't like Quitely's puffy heads. It's like everyone has just had a facelift, and the swelling hasn't gone down. Every artist has his or her quirks. I got into X-Men just a little before Silvestri started, and I think he's still had one of the longest runs on the X-Men as an artist. So his stuff just feels right to me. Jim Lee wasn't bad either, or Salvador Larroca.

I'll reread the whole Morrison run, just to see if it works any better for me this time. And I want to see if things add up with the Cuckoos. I remember thinking I knew -exactly- what they are, but now I'm less certain (at least as to their designation).


empressith November 16 2005, 00:34:49 UTC
Cool. We can both reread and discuss.


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