fic: sometimes these things are not accidents (revenge, emily/daniel)

Dec 31, 2011 08:08

Title: sometimes these things are not accidents
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: Revenge, Emily/Daniel
Word Count: 367
Requested By: dudski

Late at night, when Emily lays awake in Daniel's arms, it is hard to remember that she doesn't love him. In those moments, it would be so easy to pretend that what's between them is real; that they are just a man and a woman who met and fell in love, and that there is no shared history of betrayal between their families. It would be so easy to pretend, and yet she doesn't or she can't, she's not sure which it is.

Laying in Daniel's arms, Emily feels something she doesn't recognize. She thinks it might be guilt.


Long before she ever came back to the Hamptons, long before she not so accidentally spilled her drink on his coat, Emily thought of Daniel as a means to an end. He offered the means of a convenient entrance into the Grayson's life that Emily's money alone couldn't have bought her in a million years. Daniel was a pawn, and Emily intended to use him as such.

But then Emily meets him, and it's no longer as easy as she'd like it to be. Daniel is sweet and kind and charming, all the things that you expect from a boy that's grown up with too much money and too little responsibility. But then he tells her about his drinking and the accident, and suddenly he becomes something more. If he's not a good man yet, he's trying, and it makes using him far more difficult than she'd planned.

Emily likes him. She likes who she pretends to be when she's with him. She wonders if this is who they'd have grown up to be if she'd stayed Amanda Clarke, and they were just the boy and girl next door.

She remembers who lives next door and hardens her heart against whatever she's starting to feel for Daniel. After all this time and all this planning, feelings are a luxury she can't afford.


Late at night, when her eyes are falling shut and she's just on the brink of sleep, the words slip out without purpose or premeditation. "I love you," she says, and then she is asleep.

When she wakes, Emily looks at Daniel's sleeping face and knows that they were true.

holiday fic extravaganza 2011, tv: revenge, fic by me

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