fic: things that go bump in the night (hathaways, leo/cat)

Dec 30, 2011 09:09

Title: things that go bump in the night
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: Hathaways, Leo/Cat
Word Count: 650
Requested By: lapiccolina

Leo woke to the scent of his wife's hair. As ways to awaken went, Leo had certainly experienced less pleasant ones.

"Cat?" he asked, his arms closing around her automatically. It wasn't as easy as it had once been, given the advanced state of her pregnancy. He would never dream of telling her so. He rather valued his skin staying where it was. He kissed her forehead, and tucked her head more securely under his chin. She kissed his throat, her tongue lapping against his skin, and Leo felt certain parts of his anatomy start to stir in interest. "Is everything all right?"

Catherine nodded, not bothering to stop what she was doing. "Of course, my lord," she said, and her hot breath on his neck made his interest in the situation all the more apparent. She rubbed against him teasingly, and Leo bit back a groan. Catherine had the audacity to laugh, the little minx.

Leo wound his hands through her hair and tilted her head back, engaging her mouth in a kiss that left her far too busy for laughter. When he broke away, gasping for breath, all teasing was gone from her face and she looked as desperate as Leo felt.

He palmed her heavy breast in one hand and bent his head to her ear, biting gently at the soft skin. "Are you certain that there's nothing you wanted to say to me before?" he asked, making sure that his words were heavy with the promise of all the wicked things that he wanted to do to her. "Nothing you wanted? Because if this goes any further, I won't stop, Catherine." He looked at her, intent shining in his blue eyes. "You know I won't stop."

The indecision flashed across her face for just an instant, and then she shook her head, drawing his head back down to hers. "No, my Lord," she said against his lips, but the moment had been enough.

Leo knew what that look meant. He groaned, and trapped her wrists before they could dip any lower on his body. Before he stopped listening to his better angels and took what she was offering.

"What is it tonight?" he asked. "Strawberries? Plum pudding? Sweetmeats?"

Catherine bit her lip, in a way that would have been far more adorable if Leo weren't suffering. She shook her head.

"What is it?" he asked again. "I won't laugh this time, I promise."

"You said that last time," she pointed out, but Leo chose to ignore her remarks and kissed her instead.

"Tell me, Marks," he said, as patiently coaxing as he knew how to be. "The sooner you tell me, the sooner I can procure whatever it is, and the sooner --" he moved his hips against hers with deliberate purpose "-- we can go back to enjoying ourselves."

"Cheese!" she blurted out. "I want -- no, I need cheese." She smoothed her hands over her rounded tummy. "We need cheese."

"Cheese," Leo repeated back to her, trying to hide his disbelief. "Cheese."

"Cheese," she repeated, more firmly this time. She rocked her hips into his, and Leo groaned again. "Weren't you meant to be hurrying?"

Leo kissed her once more, and then rolled out of bed to tug on his trousers. "The things I do for love," he muttered to himself.

"What was that, my Lord?" Catherine asked, and Leo looked back over his shoulder to see his wife sitting up in their bed, her golden hair splayed out around her and her hands curled around the place where their child rested. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen anything more beautiful.

"Nothing, love," he said, and he bolted the room before he could listen to the devil on his shoulder that told him to take her where she sat. He didn't see the smile on her face.

When they went back to sleep, they were both smiling.

holiday fic extravaganza 2011, books: lisa kleypas, fic by me

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