fic: when did this turn into an episode of friends? (crazy, stupid, love; hannah/jacob)

Dec 25, 2011 00:02

Title: When did this turn into an episode of Friends?
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: Crazy, Stupid, Love; Hannah/Jacob
Word Count: 369
Requested By: earnmysong

"You want me to do what?" Jacob asks, staring at her in horror.

Hannah sighs. She'd expected this, but that didn't mean she wanted it to happen. Which is why she'd waited until they were out to dinner to ask. Apparently that hadn't been as good a strategy as she'd hoped. "I want you to meet my mother," she repeats, saying every word as slowly and deliberately as she can. "She doesn't bite, I promise."

Jacob shakes his head, still looking horrified and maybe a little bit queasy, too, it's hard to tell. It could just be the sushi. "That is a really terrible idea."

"It's not," Hannah says, exasperated. She narrows her eyes at him, looking past the green tinge of his skin and the sweat beading on his forehead, and finally she sees it lurking in his eyes. She points a chopstick at him. "You're nervous."

"No," Jacob denies. It's not convincing.

"You are," Hannah says, unable to completely mask her glee. She reaches out for his hand, twining their fingers together. "It's okay, I'll be there to protect you."

"Very funny."

Hannah grins. "I thought so."

Jacob wrinkles his nose at her, but he squeezes her fingers and Hannah knows that she's won. "Do I have to?" he asks, sounding exactly like Robbie used to when he didn't get his way.
Hannah thinks it's probably wrong that she finds it so endearing in a grown man. But then Jacob's not really a grown man, not yet anyway, and that he's trying for her is one of the things that she thinks she might love about him.

She hasn't seen the need to mention that just yet.

"You do," she says, but she tempers her words by stroking the skin at the inside of his wrist. "But I can promise that I'll make it worth your while."

Jacob brightens at that, just as she'd known that he would. "Oh, really?" he asks. "Did you have anything in mind?"

Under the table, Hannah slides her foot against his and above it, she offers him a coy smile. "Why don't you get the check and find out?"

Jacob's hand shoots up in the air immediately. "Check, please!"

Hannah laughs.

film: crazy stupid love, holiday fic extravaganza 2011, fic by me

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