fic: alive with the glory of love (heist society, kat/hale)

Dec 04, 2011 07:59

Title: alive with the glory of love
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: Heist Society, Kat/Hale
Word Count: 632
Requested By: theepiccek

There were many things at which Katarina Bishop considered herself accomplished. She'd been able to successfully hotwire a car before she turned eight and she could identify a forged Monet at a glance and she'd known how to create a getaway diversion before she lost her first baby teeth. When it came to being a thief, Kat knew what she was capable of. After all, the girl who'd orchestrated the Henley job couldn't afford false modesty.

But somewhere between learning the differences between impressionism and post-impressionism, Kat had never learned certain other things. Girl things. The things at which Gabrielle excelled. Things that came like breathing to Gabrielle, Kat couldn't manage, couldn't even understand.

And that was fine. Kat was Kat and Gabrielle was Gabrielle, and if she didn't always like or appreciate her cousin, Kat loved her in the way that you love the person that's the other half of yourself. She'd never wanted to be Gabrielle.

That is, Kat had never wanted to be Gabrielle until she found herself in a dark movie theater with Hale, his arm over her shoulders, surrounded on all sides by other teenagers all doing the exact same thing.

Kat was on a date and she had no idea what she was supposed to do or not do, and for the first time in her life Kat wished she'd spent more time listening to Gabrielle's girl lessons. Right now, at this exact moment, they'd come in a lot more handy than lock picking, that was for sure.

Hale leaned over to whisper in her ear, and Kat shivered just a little. His arm tightened around her. "This isn't supposed to be a medieval torture thing," he said, voice low in deference to the movie playing in front of them. "You can relax."

"I am relaxed," Kat said, the lie coming too quickly for it to be at all believable. She cringed.

Hale laughed, just loud enough so that she could hear it, just long enough so that she could feel his breath tripping over her skin. "Relax," he said again. His fingers stroked over the bare skin on her arm, and Kat thought that if he really wanted her to relax, he had an absolutely terrible way of showing it.

Still, Kat tried. She took deep breaths, and let herself lean back into Hale's arm. When her head drifted to rest on his chest, Kat didn't fight it. When Hale's head leaned against hers, Kat didn't flinch. But she never relaxed. She was too aware of all the places where they were pressed together, of every rapid beat of her heart, and of every place that Hale touched her.

How could anyone be expected to relax when Hale was touching them?

The movie ended and the lights came back up, and Kat realized that she had no idea what she'd just spent two hours watching. She hoped there wouldn't be a quiz.

With more reluctance than she'd admit to anyone other than herself, Kat disentangled herself from Hale. "What now?" she asked, looking up at him expectantly.

Much as Kat didn't like being the one without the answers, she knew when it was time to defer to those that did. Even if it scared her.

Hale took her hand and pulled her to her feet. "Now I take you back to Uncle Eddie's," he said, and to Kat's surprise, that was exactly what he did.

The entire way there, Hale never let go of her hand.

At Uncle Eddie's front door, Kat turned to face him. "So," she said.

"So," Hale echoed. He smiled.

His smile was the last thing Kat saw before he kissed her. His smile was the first thing she saw when he stopped.

When they kissed again, Kat was smiling too.

holiday fic extravaganza 2011, books: heist society, fic by me

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