Fic: Tea & Toast (Bridgertons, Colin/Penelope)

Dec 28, 2010 05:51

Title: Tea & Toast
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: Bridgertons, Colin/Penelope
Word Count: 438
Request: For lapiccolina, who wanted Colin and Penelope fighting over food while she was pregnant.

The problem with being married to Colin, Penelope realized, was that he ate everything. Before they were married, it was a charming quirk, an eccentricity. But after their marriage, after she promptly found herself expecting their first child, when she found herself competing with Colin for food, that was when she realized that it wasn't any of those things at all.

It was frustrating, that's what it was.

Penelope didn't think he was doing it on purpose, of course. Colin wasn't the sort to do anything to intentionally irk anyone, least of all her and least of all know. He just didn't think when it came to food. He simply ate.

And ate. And then ate some more.

The morning that Penelope mentioned craving strawberry jam and toast, she went downstairs to breakfast to find that Colin had eaten all the jam. When she specially asked their cook to make chocolate biscuits for tea, he inhaled the entire batch before Penelope could mange to eat even one. Of course he was properly apologetic both times, even went out in search of biscuits for her the moment that he realized what he'd done. But just once, Penelope wanted him to think before he ate. She really didn't think that was asking so very much.

The day after the chocolate biscuit incident, Penelope woke late, as had become her custom. Colin was already gone, his half of the bed cold to the touch. Penelope dressed and went down to breakfast, sure she'd find the table half empty already, certain that the eggs she found herself craving this morning would be long eaten.

But to her surprise, the table was completely full, laden with all the foods that she'd mentioned wanting to eat in the last week. Colin stood beside it, giving her a boyishly proud smile.

Penelope's heart melted. "Colin," she said incredulously, "what did you do?"

He shrugged his shoulders and reached out to take her hand, escorting her to her chair. "I waited for you," he said. "I wanted to be sure that you got whatever you wanted this morning."

"Just this morning?" she teased, helping herself to a piece of toast.

"Every morning," he corrected, taking the chair opposite hers. He watched her fill her plate with naked longing on his face, not making a move to touch any of the food himself.

Penelope couldn't quite believe the will power he was excerpting. She couldn't remember him ever holding back when it came to food before. "Colin," she said. "I do love you."

"I love you, too," he said. He grinned at her again. "Now. May I eat?"

Penelope laughed, and passed the toast.

holiday fic extravaganza 2010, books: bridgertons, fic by me

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