Fic: Just Call Out My Name (OTH, Gen)

Dec 10, 2010 05:55

Title: Just Call Out My Name
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: One Tree Hill, Brooke and Peyton
Word Count: 358
Request: for sugarpromises, who gave me the prompt friendship through the distance.

After everything, Peyton is still Brooke's first phone call. When she and Julian get engaged, Brooke calls Peyton. When Clothes over Bros is under fire and she has to choose between doing the right thing and giving up everything she's worked so hard to build, she calls Peyton. When she wants to vent about Julian's crazy mother and how planning the wedding is turning into a disaster, she calls Peyton.

Brooke calls Peyton; it's just what she does.

And Peyton calls too, even if it's never enough. She calls the first time Sawyer crawls and the first time she talks and when she takes her first steps. She sends Brooke pictures practically every day, so that even though she'd not actually watching her goddaughter grow up in person, it's the next best thing. She calls Brooke about the places that she's seeing, the things that she's doing. She paints pictures for Brooke with words, the way she used to do with paints, so that Brooke see it all as vividly as if she was actually there by Peyton's side, the way that Brooke had always thought it would be.

But it's not that way, and Brooke accepts that. Or at least she tries to.

It's two weeks before the wedding and Brooke waits just past security, Julian by her side, his hand in hers. She strains to see over the heads of everyone else that's waiting to pick up a loved one, and then Julian is pointing and bending his head to whisper in her ear. "Look," he says.

Brooke lets out a squeal and makes a beeline for the front of crowd, "Peyton!" she calls out, waving her arm wildly. "Over here!"

She sees the exact moment that Peyton sees her, because she sees Peyton's face light up with the look that she knows is on hers, and she sees the way that Peyton sets off at a run towards her. They throw their arms around each other at the exact same moment, hugging each other with their whole bodies, and Brooke swears that she's finally whole for the first time since Peyton left.

"Welcome home," she says, and hugs Peyton tighter.

tv: one tree hill, holiday fic extravaganza 2010, fic by me

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