Fic: we must have faith in our blindness (The Good Wife, Will/Alicia)

Dec 08, 2010 05:54

Title: we must have faith in our blindness
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: The Good Wife, Will/Alicia
Word Count: 391
Request: For lowriseflare, who gave me All summer it hurt to look at you.

Will was there the night Alicia met Peter. Sometimes he lets himself wonder if she remembers that. It's something he's never been able to forget.

There was a party at Scott Bristow's, the summer between their 1L and 2L years, the sort of party that doesn't know whether it wants to be a kegger or something befitting their (slightly) more adult status. In other words, there was a box of wine sitting next to the keg. Will and Alicia went together, like they'd gone to most parties throughout that first year, not together, but not apart either. Will spent most of that first year not knowing whether they were together or apart.

That night, Alicia's hair tumbled over her shoulders in the wild curls that he loved so much, the curls dark against her pale skin. She had on a red halter top and her back was mostly bare, and Will spent the entire Metro ride, forcing himself to keep from reaching out to touch the stripe of skin that wasn't covered by her hair or the glittery fabric of her shirt. Later, after, he would spend months kicking himself for not reaching out to touch her while he had the chance.

It would be years before he had the chance again.

Will was standing out on the balcony smoking when he heard the sound of Alica's laugh carry over the noise of the party, and he turned his head to look for her out of a habit built from nine months of late night study sessions and bar crawls and afternoons at the baseball field. When he finally found her, he wished he hadn't.

Alicia was standing there with another man, but instead of giving him the brush off she gave so many others, she was leaning into him, holding herself in a way that Will clearly recognized as interest. From the look on the other guys face, he recognized it too.

He looked away, and out into the night. When he looked back, they were both gone.

Will went home alone that night. He spent the rest of the summer trying to pretend Alicia wasn't falling in love with Peter, the preppy snob that Will would have hated out of principle, even if he hadn't had everything Will wanted most.

Alicia fell in love anyway, and Will tried to forget. He never did.

tv: the good wife, holiday fic extravaganza 2010, fic by me

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