Fic: They Say if You Love Somebody (Mighty Ducks, Connie/Guy)

Dec 01, 2010 05:52

Title: They Say if You Love Somebody
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: The Mighty Ducks, Connie/Guy
Word Count: 221
Request: For duchessofavalon, who asked for breaking up and getting back together.

They break up the week before Connie leaves for Cambridge, for Harvard and the chance to help turn women's hockey into something real.

"I love you," Connie says, a few stray tears trickling down her cheeks. "You know that."

Guy nods, and looks away. His eyes are damp and he doesn't want her to see. "You should go," he says, his voice gruff.

He feels her get off the bed and then she's kissing his cheek gently. It's the goodbye neither of them want to say. She slips out the door without another word.

It takes everything in him not to call her back. He regrets not doing it every day for the next four years.


After graduation, Connie comes back to Minneapolis, diploma in hand. There's a job as an assistant coach waiting for her at the University of Minnesota.

Guy is waiting for her too, even if she doesn't know it.

They see each other for the first time in two years at a party celebrating Adam's contract with the Black Hawks, and it's as if nothing has changed between them. She sees him and he sees her, and somehow all of it, the years and the distance and the things they should have said, it all falls away.

When they leave that night, it's together. It's always together.

holiday fic extravaganza 2010, film: the mighty ducks, fic by me

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