[OOC] Player Info!

May 03, 2008 23:25

LAST UPDATED 10/21/2008

WhiteCat / nekokoban / I have been known to answer to others

I Play: The Medicine Seller (samplemywares -- Ayakashi/Mononoke), Amano Ginji (emperor_eel -- GetBackers), Sharon Lainsworth (sugarspicequeen -- Pandora Hearts), Hakuren Oak (a_holy_oak -- 07-Ghost), Tao Ren (immashaaark -- Shaman King), Ichinomiya Kantarou (tengu_topper -- tactics), and Sora (anenduringoath -- Kingdom Hearts)

Contact: Due to the nature of my job and my hobbies out of CFUD, I am often on my computer! That said: whether at home or work I will have gchat enabled (whether or not it will be cooperating can be hit-or-miss, though eight times out of ten it's fine). I'm there as nekokoban. I very rarely use AIM these days, but can be found as merryswallow there. Emails (nekokoban [at] gmail [dot] com) or comments to either my regular journal or any of my character journals, are a good way of getting in touch with me. In the evenings I'm usually on IRC -- and I do hang out in main chan (usually under Hakuren's nick these days), and any of my characters' names will ping me. o/

Timezone/Language: PST/English. AS A GENERAL RULE, my schedule runs as thus:

Monday-Friday -- work from 8:30 - 5:00, home/online at 6:30, bed around midnight-thirty/one
Saturday-Sunday -- much more sporadic, but usually around-ish the whole time, with bedtime around one-thirty/two-ish

I AM ABLE TO COMMENT FROM WORK, though I will usually not post unless things are very, very very slow.


Goals: Keep having fun? BE SOMEONE FUN TO PLAY WITH. \o/

How Do I Play?: If I have an idea, I will post it -- honestly, I actually really enjoy posting. IF YOU ARE EVER IN NEED OF A PARTNER FOR SOMETHING, LET ME KNOW. I will generally throw characters at posts that ping them, and I'm ... not super-shy about jumping threads. If it's late and I know you're around, I will ping you just to double-check, but if I see you and it looks like it'd work, I will jump. \o/

Frequency: Uhhhhhh. Daily-ish? IT DEPENDS, but I have Hakuren as a definite primary and try to keep balance between all my others. If I see something that pings me, I will totally tag a post (unless it is very obviously being raped, at which point I may just tag someone else IN the post, not the actual post itself). O balance.

Replying Speed: ... fast? IDK I've had like three or four people mention this. I DO NOTABLY SLOW DOWN if I am distracted/tired/the thread is winding down. But I try to tag as soon as I get a reply in my inbox, because otherwise I will forget. And that's always sad. :(

Thread Dropping: When I play from work, I will be slow-ish and droppy, depending on how busy my queue is. Some days I can keep it up steadily; some days, I can do reply maybe twice before getting swept off. It's all sort of luck of the draw! I will start slowing down signifigantly around quitting time and bedtime (5pm PST / midnight-thirty or later PST), and sometimes I just genuinely lose threads. It's something I have noticed before, especially if I have several characters out in a post. If this happens to you and you'd like to keep going, HIT ME, I am totally a punching bag for this sort of thing.

And far warning, dropping threads is about 10000000000x more likely with the Medicine Seller. I love him, but of all my crew (and this is one that includes Ginji and Sora), he's the hardest and most-exhausting for me to maintain. FAIR WARNING, though if ever you want to pick up with him later -- or even just want him around, let me know. ♥

Thread Jumping: I LOVE IT. N-no, really, I just like being jumped in general. o/ If you do and I fail to pick it up, it's because I somehow lost the notification, and in which case HIT ME on gchat or IRC, and I will gladly pick up!

Crack vs. Emo: I am zen. FEAR MY ZEN FIST. I will roll with whatever seems to be happening in the thread! The nice thing about having so many characters is that if one goes too far in any direction, I have other threads I can balance out with. I'm open to any and all, though if you've any serious concerns, please contact me.

Comfort Levels: I'll be frank -- what makes me uncomfortable is what makes the OTHER person uncomfortable. I can pretty much roll with anything, but if YOU are uncomfortable because of something I am doing, TELL ME AT ONCE and I will edit/change tracks immediately. It makes me unhappy to push things on others or make them uncomfortable/upset, so please, let's not have it get that far. o/

Betaing: I enjoy betaing! ... I am also kind of sporradic with it, as I have to be in a certain mood and have the time to sit down and nitpick. On the other hand, I am not a super-rapey beta; I can be picky, but I can't ever really give something a good shredding. ALL POTENTIAL CASTMATES SHOULD COME TO ME, THOUGH, I WILL LOVE YOU AND PET YOU AND MAKE YOU MINE. :)

AUs: I have a tendency towards comedy when it comes to sex AUs (it's funny, people! come on!). IF YOU WANT TO, TALK TO ME; just understand that there will very likely be at least 100+ comments of retardation before anything sexy happens. See also: things that happen when you leave me and Devit unsupervised. Other AUs are also fine -- I am primarily a ficcer! TALK ALTERNATES TO ME.

Concrit: I TRY to post to the concrit community whenever the post goes up! Sometimes, this does not always work out. :( I have a big old general concrit post over on Hakuren's journal, comments screened/anon commenting on, etc. If you're still not comfortable, emailing me at nekokoban [at] gmail [dot] com is fine too. Please, please, please let me know if you've got questions/concerns about how I play my characters! I would not have apped characters without loving them, so I want to be sure I am doing right by them. :|b

In Case of Emergency: Which hopefully will not happen, but! When in doubt, Kaiji-mun (jyankenpwned / miss_arel) is my roommate, and thus is likely the first to know if I've taken a long ride in a white van or caught the deathplague or anything like that. Heat and Axel are also likely to know if anything big comes up with me, and have my personal contact info if necessary.

WOO \o/

housekeeping, ooc

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