In college I minored in Communications (And History, And Political Science). Now Comm is a notoriously useless major, but I think thats primarily because every sorority girl and metrosexual male took the mass media comm classes thinking they were gonna make it big time on MTV. I took classes like "Organizational Communications" "Conflict
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Comments 37
Yeah the fun thing about polls is people are more likely to fill out a poll than leave a comment so it gives you a more accurate idea of how many people are reading your entry. Looking at people that have filled out the poll there's some people who never comment and I'd started assuming they weren't reading anymore.
Thanks for the compliments (=
I, for one, would probably just have looked up how to smoke the bees into submission and moved the barbeque off my porch. I mean, come on! Free honey!
(1) It looks like a blog post... thats entirely an image? why is that?
(2) I couldn't make out the active ingrediants in his bug bomb, but I would say he's a raging idiot for using any kind of pesticide on something he was about to use for food preparation. I'm not a chemical expert, but many of those pesticides will persist despite even a concerted boiling water / soap wash (and I doubt he did that to his whole BBQ). One of the interesting presentations here this weekend was on just how incredibly persistant pesticide residues can be. So yeah. That guy is a total idiot for using pesticides on a food preparation device. I wish his post was somewhere I could leave a comment so I could tell him what an idiot he is.
(3) At the bottem he says he "thinks the queen flew away." I'm just wondering why he says that. He doesn't really provide any reason for that hypothesis and that hypothesis is almost assuredly wrong. Why would the queen survive when the rest of the bees didn't?
2. That's a pretty good point, I didn't think about that. I hope he scrubbed hard.
3. I have no idea what the fuck he was talking about there.
Like I mention above, I write to be read. I'm not sure what purpose being read serves me though. I don't "comment whore" per se but comments are often about the only evidence you have of people reading your lj. Unless you post a poll (43 people voted? Thats a whopping 11% of my friends-of list! d= )
And to express myself, also like I said in comment somewhere else, I just text boxsofrain every time I have something to express haha. She's a darling for putting up with me.
I would lie and say I read all the entries when I go through Idol, but I don't, and more or less implied that in the green room yesterday....what I typically do on the weekend is click on the names of the people who are on my friend list...then, if I have more time, I get the ones who aren't on my friend list but still comment from time to time...I am putting an all out boycott on voting for anyone who I suspect doesn't read my's one thing to not like them, but it's BS to not even give them a chance....
for voting, at this point, when there are still plenty of people, unless their entry sucks, I vote for everyone who has friended's the A for effort policy until the crowd thins a bit...(unless, like I said, they totally show no effort and just turn in hot garbage)
I've noticed that people by and large loooove sappy posts and those of us who go for humour are really underappreciated, so gotta stick up for team ceativity ( ... )
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