Firstly of all, I'd like to note that this very LJ is just a sock-puppet of
emo-snal Its all a giant 30 in 30 prank! Muahahahaha
Hands --And Logic-- -Free Legislation
Starting on this July 1st, California has enacted a new law that you can only talk on your cell phone while driving if its "hands-free."
Ostensibly this is due to the mountain of evidence that people suck at driving while talking on the phone. In fact I think several studies have shown people drive worse on phones than they do while totally drunk.
HOWEVER, it should be noted that people's problems with driving while talking on the phone stem from being distracted by the conversation, NOT from holding the phone. People seem to have no problem driving while holding a (non-alcoholic) beverage, making hand-signals involving their middle finger, operating their gear-shift, or just plain driving with one hand for no particular reason.
THEREFORE, I would like to point out that there is no actual corrolation between the new law and its alleged purpose.
Not that I think they have a devious secret purpose, I think they're just being dumb. Well maybe some politicians are trying to claim they're "tough on safety." Maybe the hands-free device lobby is behind it all.
Picture of the Day / Year Ago Today
abandoned subways in Rochester, NY!Meanwhile, Today: This morning I cleared with my boss that I'd take tomorrow off to go to the Stone Brewery with my friends. I love the Stone Brewery ... and I love having a job I can get time off from on 24 hour notice for the purposes of going to a brewery!! =D