This weekend my friend
Mara & I discovered a series of
secret passageways, which led us to a helipad on the 13th floor of a building in downtown Los Angeles. Shortly thereafter, however, we were cornered by secret service.
the AMPAC 2006 Model UN conference was held in the historic hoity toity
Biltmore Hotel, where simulteniously a conference on "The War on Gangs" was taking place. In fact, this was taking place in the room immediately next to one in which Mara & I were presiding over the
Economic Committee for Western Asia, & was attended by the mayor of LA, & the California Attorney-General. Consequently, the hotel was swarming with guys that looked exactly like the president's secret service: big guys in suits with earpeices. I'm not sure if they were the Mayor's or the A-G's. Having almost joined the Secretary of State's secret service, I knew that
such agents can be differentiated from private security by little pins on their left lapels, so I checked & sure enough these agents had them, but I couldn't make out the emblem on the little pins.
There was also a Governor's Ball one of the nights, and there are some reports that Laura Bush was sighted (amid more swarms of actual secret service).
I have been appointed the Secretary-General for AMPAC 2007. I'd sworn I'd never do MUN secretariat again after being a Davis MUN Under-SecGen in 2003, but this position will encompass most of the areas of experience that I think the diplomatic security division was concerned I lacked, so I think it may be an invaluable addition to my resume.
Once again this is only a cursory update in lieu of a lack of the time necessary to effectively report recent shenaniganry. I have yet to process most of my
pictures from Vegas, or write an entry about those adventures, and there's more to say about this weekend.
Picture of the Day
"cats go here"
from the belated
St Patrick's Day Party I missed this weekend