So this is the weekend that traditionally I chair at the CCCPMUN (Contra Costa County Model United Nations) Conference. Much as we know I love MUN, after some very serious debate I decided to go on the Seattle road trip this weekend with Rob Roy & co. For the first time in four years or so I didn't go the the CCCPMUN conference
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Comments 11
IE, say that Windows only held 40%, but Windows Based OS's owned by different companies- but liscensed to by Microsoft, consisted fo another 30%?
if anything, they'd have a 40% market share- be taking say, 90 million in profits from direct sales, and then an additional 40 million in royalties...
Would the tax on 40% take that in?
Also, I have major beef with specifically patents held in agribusiness of types of seeds and crap like that.
I would have paid at least five dollars to see that.
i guess
i dunno
But let's say Doodle Co. is ridiculously successful the first year, drives out all the competition, sells a billion Widgets but then promptly goes out of business as it's paying out all of its income in taxes. Now there's absolutely zero competition again, as everyone's out of business.
I don't know where I'm going with this.
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