Avast ye miserable underblog-lubbers -- hold fast and prepare to be bloggered! Today is "international talk like a pirate day" so try to spice up your dreary bilge journals, aye
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i hear, like, word that you're, you know, taking a class on the history of israel.
you have to check out these books:
* Diary of the Sinai Campaign by Moshe Dayan. Very interesting -- Moshe Dayan was the general who ran the Sinai campaign and this is a day-to-day account of the war. It's amazing how they pulled together such a major operation, only activating reservists 24 hours in advance. More interesting is how he basically says outright that they were using alleged Iraqii mobilisations (which were in fact a complete fabrication) as an excuse for territorial acquisitions... or something to that effect. hmmm. Anyway, quite intersting, and exciting too.
* For the Future of Israel by Shimon Perez. I have a copy of this.. it's bright blue and a rather small hardback book. I loaned it to mummum, so it's probably still in camarillo.
* From Beirut to Jerusalem by Thomas Friedman is a good read as well, lots of background. The rule of thumb about Thomas Friedman is that he is a moron except for when it comes to the
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Because I never see you!!! And yes, I know about the breadsticks... yummy. My friend Heather used to work there and I'd make her bring breadsticks to Art all the time. :)
Comments 33
these days, lindsay and I are pirates, really cute pirates at that. cute pirates with guinness. the end.
I think pirates would surely drink steel reserve.
Also, did you end up watching that concert? I'm confused.
Her brother was a percussionist in it you see.
i hear, like, word that you're, you know, taking a class on the history of israel.
you have to check out these books:
* Diary of the Sinai Campaign by Moshe Dayan. Very interesting -- Moshe Dayan was the general who ran the Sinai campaign and this is a day-to-day account of the war. It's amazing how they pulled together such a major operation, only activating reservists 24 hours in advance. More interesting is how he basically says outright that they were using alleged Iraqii mobilisations (which were in fact a complete fabrication) as an excuse for territorial acquisitions... or something to that effect. hmmm. Anyway, quite intersting, and exciting too.
* For the Future of Israel by Shimon Perez. I have a copy of this.. it's bright blue and a rather small hardback book. I loaned it to mummum, so it's probably still in camarillo.
* From Beirut to Jerusalem by Thomas Friedman is a good read as well, lots of background. The rule of thumb about Thomas Friedman is that he is a moron except for when it comes to the ( ... )
A History of Israel - Howard M. Sachar
The Israelis - Donna Rosenthal
In the Land of Israel - Amos Oz
Alas I'm going back up to Davis tomorrow. )=
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