Fic -- In The End 5b/5

Jun 13, 2011 01:54

Title: In The End

Author: Emoryems

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: pre-Blaine/Kurt

Spoilers: Pretty much everything up to 2.14 is fair game.

Warnings: talk of non-con, violence, language.

Word Count: 3,565 (Total: 14,800)

Summary: continuation of Your Sins Into Me (warning for explicit non-con).

Let me know what you think? Con-crit is completely welcome, too.

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blaine_anderson, hurt/comfort, burt, fic, wes, nc17, finn_hudson, glee, kurt_hummel, hudmels

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Comments 13

alter_alterego June 14 2011, 05:05:47 UTC
A lot of fic that addresses difficult topics (such as noncon) is abandoned; I suspect that while its all too easy to imagine something awful happening, its far harder to imagine how one moves on from there. I am so glad to see that you showed us Kurt taking those initial steps. You didn't wave a magic wand and make everything better; rather, Kurt knows he will never ‘get over’ what happened. And yet, it still feels hopeful, because you make the clear distinction between "getting over" and moving forward. You show us Kurt's strength of character. You show us how he is surrounded by an incredible support system--from his father, to his friends, to the counselor at Dalton. And you leave us with the sense that Kurt's made it past his metaphorical bleak winter and into spring. Brava.

(Also, let me just reiterate what I said on the meme: yay, for taking this new prompt!)


emoryems June 16 2011, 18:09:38 UTC
I've noticed that trend of abandonment -- and I have to agree. A lot of authors want to put an ending together that is all-encompassing. But with some topics it just isn't possible, not without following the character throughout their entire lives.

THANK YOU so much for leaving me the lovely feedback - here and on the angst meme (I grinned when I saw that comment - that prompt is really quite a match for this little 'verse).


ithicajackal June 14 2011, 05:59:00 UTC
You have no idea the torture I went through today because I saw that you updated when I got to work this morning and had to wait so long to read it. But so well worth it. I think I've repeated myself endlessly in complimenting your work. I absolutely worship your handle on difficult topics in your stories... noncon/suicide etc and then how you go about things afterwords. You don't make it easy on the characters, there's no 'fix it' button. That's life and things like this never do go away, it's not a problem to be solved and then move onto the next.
I cannot tell you enough how thrilled I am that you are taking on THAT prompt in this continuity. It's a perfect fit. Hopefully I will not be at work when I get the update alert though ;)
Again, just beautifully done. I enjoy your work so much, and thankful for you sharing your talent with us.


emoryems June 16 2011, 18:24:58 UTC
I'm really glad that you think I handle these topics well -- they are so difficult, and they are often handled carelessly. Thank you so much <3

lol! THAT prompt (which is, no kidding, labelled "WTF Am I Doing" at the moment) is turning out to be a real interesting write, but in a good way :D

Thank you, hon ♥


cinder1013 June 15 2011, 03:55:38 UTC
Wow. I just read the whole thing and it left me breathless. Kurt is so strong in this fic and his voice was perfect.

I thought the fight scene was perfect. I don't think you gave yourself enough credit.


emoryems June 16 2011, 18:26:10 UTC
Awe thanks :) I'm still getting the hang of writing, and sometimes it's difficult to gauge how things sound (heh when not in my head).

Thanks for reading and commenting <3


inyron June 16 2011, 02:26:03 UTC
This was a lovely story. I love your Kurt characterization. I'm sorry to see this story end, but am excited for whatever you decide to do next.


emoryems June 16 2011, 18:27:25 UTC
:D thank you -- I hope you enjoy, too ;)


congotandsja June 27 2011, 21:22:02 UTC
This was powerful and so well written. I adored it.


emoryems July 5 2011, 07:11:05 UTC
Thank you :D I was so ecstatic to check my e-mail and see all of your wonderful comments -- thank you so much for taking the time.

You honestly made my day (lol it was totally a week).


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