Title: Grape Soda and Wrestling Matches
Author: Emony
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: Chuck belongs to NBC... I think. Correct me if I'm wrong...
Spoilers: Spoilers through 1.10.
Pairings/Characters: Chuck/Captain Awesome, Casey
Summary: Just what does Casey listen to?
Words Count: 3,140.
Notes: Sequel to
In which Captain Awesome persuades Chuck to
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Comments 4
OMG Yay! I want to squeeze this fic into tiny pieces and keep it, and possibly you as well! Devon being awesome (really awesome and not just faux awesome especially with his description of Ellie and the Bartowski genes.) Casey being hilarious (and compromised, lol!) Chuck being Chuck! I love it!
I'm really glad you like it, hon. To be honest I was a bit worried about it... and like I said it just wouldn't stop and the angst came up at me from nowhere!
really awesome and not just faux awesome - I'm so glad that came across right!
However, I do have a present for you:
I'd noticed that earlier... but then BBC2 was showing the Heroes finale (which is about the only US show I watch on TV rather than by slightly naughty means) and then all sorts of extras after that... but I just clicked on it to go and read ;) yay!
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