So this could just be me being confused and stupid but: at the end of TW didn't the TARDIS materialise in the middle of Torchwood? And in DW didn't Jack take a running jump? So where does this all take place in the TW scheme of things? Is the end of TW after DW? *is confuzzled*
There was a long conversation about this because people were confused about 'Oh my god conflicting storylines!' They eventually decided that the end of TW and his appearance in DW do fit. The Tardis materialised on the plaza but the invisible lift was open so Jack could hear the Tardis noise and feel the windy time vortex effect. Then he...ran all the way there.
It sort of fits like Jack is very fit, and occasionally invisible!
Funnily I thought we at least saw the glowy light thing off the top of the Tardis...possibly this couldn't be worked into the scenario and was...I don't know explained away as Venus or something?
Ah - it could be that my memory is faulty and is not being helped by my new meds that seem to be making me feel slightly loopy and that Voodoo child has been on repeat for an hour...
As I remember we never *saw* the TARDIS at the end of Torchwood, we just heard it. I like the above explanation, but I hadn't thought about it too closely (sometimes, I tend not to). DW fits after TW S1. That's how I understand it.
I have to say, it took me a while to figure out the bit when time was going backwards. I was like..."wait, why, what happened?"...then realised I was being totally dense.
And Jack will appear back at the beginning the TW S2 like nothing ever happened...:) I love that he's the Face of Boe. That's frickin' brilliance, my reactions were totally in sync with Drs and Martha's.
You reckon Martha's coming back then? I kinda hope so. I've grown to like her a lot.
With you on adding Doctor/Master to the OTP list :)
And *sigh* mothers! And Facebook...still don't get it.
And Jack will appear back at the beginning the TW S2 like nothing ever happened...:) - Of course. ;)
Face of Boe!!!!!!!!!! Yay!
I think she'll be back, even if it's only for a little bit, one or two eps at some point, maybe. Every so often I like her and then suddenly I don't. And it's not some 'Rose rules so Martha doesn't' thing either... I did this with Rose, although not quite as often.
*grins* another new OTP.
Mothers are weird. As is Facebook. I have one because people kept trying to friend me. And then both my parents did. So it's kind of a good thing that I don't say all that much on there - or anything at all ;) I'll stick to LJ, thanks.
I'm left with the vague feeling that there has been a continuity bog-up as I got the very strong impression that the Tardis was indeed inside the TW building.
I'm still slowly working my way through season 1 of the new DW here (d'oh). so when I get to the point your talking about, I shall comment. ;) Although I have seen pics of Jack and he is quite lovely. That is as far as I know about TW. XD
Comments 12
There was a long conversation about this because people were confused about 'Oh my god conflicting storylines!' They eventually decided that the end of TW and his appearance in DW do fit. The Tardis materialised on the plaza but the invisible lift was open so Jack could hear the Tardis noise and feel the windy time vortex effect. Then he...ran all the way there.
It sort of fits like Jack is very fit, and occasionally invisible!
here come the drums!
I have to say, it took me a while to figure out the bit when time was going backwards. I was like..."wait, why, what happened?"...then realised I was being totally dense.
And Jack will appear back at the beginning the TW S2 like nothing ever happened...:) I love that he's the Face of Boe. That's frickin' brilliance, my reactions were totally in sync with Drs and Martha's.
You reckon Martha's coming back then? I kinda hope so. I've grown to like her a lot.
With you on adding Doctor/Master to the OTP list :)
And *sigh* mothers! And Facebook...still don't get it.
Lol, Fi.
And Jack will appear back at the beginning the TW S2 like nothing ever happened...:) - Of course. ;)
Face of Boe!!!!!!!!!! Yay!
I think she'll be back, even if it's only for a little bit, one or two eps at some point, maybe. Every so often I like her and then suddenly I don't. And it's not some 'Rose rules so Martha doesn't' thing either... I did this with Rose, although not quite as often.
*grins* another new OTP.
Mothers are weird. As is Facebook. I have one because people kept trying to friend me. And then both my parents did. So it's kind of a good thing that I don't say all that much on there - or anything at all ;) I'll stick to LJ, thanks.
There are still a few episodes of 9's series that I have yet to see. So you may have seen more than me in that sense.
Jack is awesome... and yes, quite lovely. ;)
TW is like the naughty version of DW: it's shown much later at night, on a different BBC channel to DW and is not for the kiddies.
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