A Rather Roundabout Journey to Guinea

May 06, 2023 10:44

   Let us pick up directly from where we left off, at the airport gate to leave Melbourne, and stressed about whether or not I'd be able to get in to Guinea due to accidentally failing to have my yellow fever certificate with me ( Read more... )

airplane travel, media reviews, book reviews, air travel, movie reviews

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Comments 4

engarian May 6 2023, 11:47:49 UTC
What a difference a year can make! Can't wait for your next stage update.

- Erulisse (one L)


adafrog May 6 2023, 12:57:24 UTC
Glad you got there okay.


pondhopper May 6 2023, 14:11:17 UTC
Well that was an easy entry into Guinea. What a relief, huh?
Looking forward to your updates again this year!


mollywheezy May 6 2023, 21:26:18 UTC

Glad you didn't have any trouble about the yellow fever certificate!


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