Trip to Ghana

Jul 03, 2022 01:51

   Picking up right where I left off, which was immediately prior to boarding my flight to Dubai: so of course I was in the last boarding group, Group F. I don't know how the boarding groups get chosen but I am somehow always always in the last one. Which meant there was no room for my backpack in the overhead bins so my feet had to cohabitate the ( Read more... )

air travel, movie reviews

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livejournal July 2 2022, 17:26:56 UTC
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pinstripe_bindi July 2 2022, 20:37:02 UTC
Woof, that one movie sounds comically racist, especially considering they were playing it on a flight to Africa. Yes, Hollywood definitely equates "Muslim" with "Arab" somehow, still, well into the 21st century. No one tell them Islam is the fastest-growing religion on the planet and plenty of Muslims are *whispers* white.


emo_snal December 15 2022, 12:04:19 UTC

Yeah it's really sadly comical how badly Hollywood typically portrays Africa. Another funny experience was when I saw this Bruce Willis movie "Tears of the Sun" thats supposed to be set in Nigeria - I watched it on the rooftop hotel lounge of my hotel in the middle of Ethiopia after having just been in Nigeria, and while it wasn't as bad as this Rogue movie it in no way looked like the Nigeria I had just been to.


engarian July 2 2022, 21:18:03 UTC
All that service, you must be a VERY IMPORTANT ... yeah! NOT! LOL. But enjoy the perks while you have them. Glad you arrived safely, and the help getting out of the airport was certainly nice.

- Erulisse (one L)


emo_snal December 15 2022, 12:08:10 UTC

Life in the capital was definitely more comfortable than out in the interior but I really had a blast in Ghana, can't wait to go back! (:


mollywheezy July 3 2022, 13:30:22 UTC
Glad you arrived safely! Small world regarding that conversation with your seatmate!


emo_snal December 15 2022, 12:34:02 UTC

Thanks, and indeed!


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