A Bee Named Melissa

May 05, 2022 21:32

Monday, March 5th, 2012 - I pull the handbreak, and the pickup sways back on its wheels by some beehives. I step out into the warm sunny air. From this location just on the east side of the mountains that divide Orange County from Riverside County, California, the view as far as I can see is mostly rolling chaparral-covered hills. Beyond the ( Read more... )

the goat hill tavern, honeybees, beekeeping, the apinautica

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Comments 27

viagra May 5 2022, 16:40:02 UTC
My husband and I were literally talking about this just yesterday-we had bees living in the outside wall of our house. They found a small crack and took to it, building a fairly large hive inside the wall. I don't think I would have minded so much were they not getting into the house through an electrical outlet and dying everywhere. Anyway, we call a removal expert who specifically would not kill the bees but just move the hive. When he was busy removing the bees from the wall, they came out and swarmed everywhere, and the bee guy called over my husband ( ... )


mollywheezy May 5 2022, 17:22:07 UTC
We once had a swarm of bees in our living room. Their queen had died and they were lost and confused. I paid for the "bee plan" with our pest control folks, and expected I would get a beekeeper to move the bees, but a couple of guys with a shop vac showed up . . . :( They said the bees would die anyway without their queen. I hope that's the truth, because it really upset me that they killed them. Of course, I also couldn't have bees swarming in my living room, especially since I'm allergic to stings. They couldn't figure out how they had gotten in and they wandered around for a couple of hours.


viagra May 5 2022, 17:30:16 UTC
emo_snal would probably know better about whether the bees would have died or not without the queen - I wasn't able to be around for the bee removal, but I think that my husband said the bee guy told him that any that were left (maybe scouts that were away from the hive) would come back, notice the queen was gone, and would go out in search of a new hive to join, but that it was also likely that any other hives wouldn't want the stragglers to join them and they would just end up wandering around until they died. I thought that was pretty sad, too. :( But then, this story here talks about that, too! I wonder if the scout bees just understand that it's part of the job that you might end up left behind.


emo_snal May 5 2022, 21:31:06 UTC
Yeah no yeah the scouts do not "notice the queen is gone and wander off" they very definitely hunker down at the last place the swarm was and wait there forever, or until they die of exposure, whichever comes first.


mollywheezy May 5 2022, 17:28:50 UTC
This is very interesting and excellently written! I'll definitely go start your book from the beginning.

I am horrified that Dave lost the lawsuit! :(


emo_snal May 6 2022, 11:04:36 UTC
Thaaanks! Please let me know what you think (: (: (:


engarian May 6 2022, 10:57:11 UTC
Wow, who knew the life of a beekeeper would be so interesting! Of course, I'm not on good terms with bees - allergic to them so I try to stay away from them. I wouldn't have been one to name an errant bee and take it home for dinner - LOL.

- Erulisse (one L)


emo_snal June 19 2022, 12:03:51 UTC
Lol (:


drippedonpaper May 7 2022, 23:37:09 UTC
Aw, Melissa the bee sounds so sweet. How did things turn out with her?


emo_snal June 19 2022, 12:44:05 UTC
She flew off into the sunset to live happily ever after! (:


roina_arwen May 9 2022, 16:42:09 UTC
Very interesting info regarding Melissa!


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