Youtube, or T-34, or Russian Movies In General Or Something

Dec 02, 2020 18:36

   So Pandora finally figured out how to block my VPN a bit ago, and spotify quickly showed itself to be so awful at predicting music I might like that about 90% of its choices were awful, and then Ii discovered that youtube does a pretty good auto-mix predicting music I might like. Well that was good for awhile and I actually discovered a fair ( Read more... )

media reviews, movie reviews

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Comments 14

nick_101 December 2 2020, 07:54:31 UTC
Colbert is definitely #1 for me.


mexpatriot December 2 2020, 15:53:46 UTC
You might like Tangerines.

Tangerines (Georgian: მანდარინები Mandarinebi, Estonian: Mandariinid) is a 2013 Estonian-Georgian film directed, produced and written by Zaza Urushadze. Set during the 1992-1993 War in Abkhazia, the film is a morality tale addressing issues of conflict, reconciliation and pacifism.[3][4] It was filmed in Guria, Georgia.

It was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 87th Academy Awards[5][6] and was among the five nominated films at the 72nd Golden Globe Awards for Best Foreign Language Film.[7]


emo_snal December 2 2020, 22:40:50 UTC
Oh that does actually sound really good I'll have to look for it!


emo_snal December 3 2020, 01:32:52 UTC
Update, have successfully downloaded it, looking forward to watching! (:


mexpatriot December 3 2020, 22:26:36 UTC
Hope you enjoy.

I watched Prisoner of the Mountains. That was good! Thanks!


lenine2 December 2 2020, 16:31:57 UTC
I was a big Colbert fan on The Daily Show, then a faithful viewer of The Colbert Report. When he took over the Late Show I was turned off by the band, of all things. And the screaming audience. John Baptiste seemed to be pandering to the audience, playing that stupid air-keyboard as if it required talent of any kind.

Then the shut-down, and Colbert taping at home, and Baptiste no longer had an audience, and actually spoke to Colbert, and I could hear him play the piano. Wow! He is fabulous, and endearing. He seems like a music dork who isn't quite used to being a personality. I got hooked on Colbert again. I feel that his show is much better without an audience.

I caught Jimmy Fallon a few times while he was taping at home, and then tuned in just to see his house. I lost interest when he moved back into the studio.

And that's all there is to know about my late night feelings!


emo_snal December 2 2020, 22:45:42 UTC
Interesting. I'd only tuned in once Colbert was already at home so I never got the studio audence thing. In general I hate laugh tracks and/or live studio audiences. I don't need to be told something is funny. It's cute on the Colbert show though how you sometimes hear his wife or producer laughing at a joke.

I wonder if the problem with Jimmy Fallon and Seth Myers is the opposite, that they've totally failed to adapt to not being in front of a studio audience.

But even with Colbert I usually get bored with the interviewss and never tune in for the live music act because why would I do that when there's plenty of music available on youtube. So being able to catch _just_ the monologue (and quarantinewhile) is ideal.


chocolate_frapp December 3 2020, 00:22:39 UTC
i gave up on Pandora very quickly. The first time I tired to use it I punched in that I liked the Beatles and it threw Madonna at me so I was all "well, fuck you, Pandora."


emo_snal December 3 2020, 00:28:52 UTC
ahahaha :X


aerodrome1 December 3 2020, 01:11:05 UTC
'The Red & the White" was brilliant.

Have you seen the film version of "The Master and Margarita"? YouTube should have it, albeit in 10 minute clips.


emo_snal December 6 2020, 01:06:34 UTC
I have not, is it good??


aerodrome1 December 6 2020, 02:40:33 UTC
Yes. The novel is brilliant, and the film is very well done.


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