The Rebel Queen

Nov 21, 2019 20:26

08:30 this morning: It was a bright sunny morning, already approaching the 80s as I stepped out onto my back porch. This weather would be an unmitigated cause of excitement for me except they'd slapped a state-wide fire-ban on the day so I couldn't actually do any beekeeping -- lighting the smoker counts as (and is) a fire risk. Despite this I ( Read more... )

honeybees, beekeeping

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Comments 36

nightspore November 21 2019, 09:41:10 UTC

By the way, Thanksgiving is a week from today.


emo_snal November 21 2019, 09:51:12 UTC
Oh fuck it is too ajajaja


wpadmirer November 21 2019, 11:27:36 UTC
Well, she's acting like a Queen. She's got loyal followers now.


emo_snal December 1 2019, 10:50:09 UTC
Indeed! (:


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emo_snal December 1 2019, 10:51:19 UTC
I quite rather think so! (:


pondhopper November 21 2019, 15:48:53 UTC
Rebellious Queen Sera!

You have to wonder what prompted that attempt at absconding and why she is so weakened. I'm glad she's alive, though.

I am learning so much fascinating stuff form you about bees! Love it!


emo_snal December 1 2019, 11:03:40 UTC
I think she definitely has an injured wing, though don't know how she got it. The absconding was very mysterious though! I would have thought it couldn't be triggered by a queen!


ravenfeather November 21 2019, 21:24:15 UTC
The continuous adventures...


emo_snal December 1 2019, 11:08:54 UTC
Indeed!! (:


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