Solo: A Star Wars Story -- Review

Jun 20, 2019 21:11

   So last night I finally saw the Han Solo movie, on netflix. Altogether I found it really disappointing. The following review will contain lots of spoilers.

Spoiler alert! )

star wars, media reviews, movie reviews

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Comments 4

davesmusictank June 20 2019, 16:50:04 UTC
I too found it rather disappointing.


emo_snal July 1 2019, 07:10:03 UTC
Its kind of weird to me that to me, in no way a movie making professional in any way, it's obvious the fundamental ways they went down the wrong track, but to them, movie making professionals, they apparently didn't realize this?


notodette June 21 2019, 02:47:21 UTC
I was looking forward to watching this, as Hans Solo has been one of my fave characters, but it sounds like they def messed it up. Oh well.


emo_snal June 21 2019, 06:29:49 UTC
They should have banked on people's inherent interest in Han Solo as a character. That's bankable. Instead they completely turned their back on obvious opportunities for character growth to make an insipid heist movie. ):


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