07 of 30 - Factoids

Jun 08, 2016 23:02

Random Fact I learned yesterday: I apparently have been living very close to ground zero of one of the world's greatest biosecurity breaches.

Random Bee Fact I learned today: When bees go out to a location where they had previously collected nectar but find the source depleted, they do not immediately search the surrounding area for a new source ( Read more... )

30 in 30 2016, bees, honeybees, random facts, 30 in 30

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Comments 11

adoptedwriter June 8 2016, 13:07:05 UTC
Interesting re the probiotics! AW


emo_snal June 11 2016, 01:07:05 UTC
Well "pre"biotics, but yeah!


anwyn_elfmaiden June 8 2016, 13:39:03 UTC
Ops, not so nice to learn to have lived to close to a biosecure breakdown...


emo_snal June 11 2016, 01:07:30 UTC
Its okay, it was only bunnies, which are presumably not directly hazardous to myself


found_world June 8 2016, 14:34:41 UTC
Interesting factoids. Thanks for the sharing the photo, also.


emo_snal June 11 2016, 01:07:55 UTC
No problem, thanks for commenting! (:


pundigrion June 8 2016, 19:06:23 UTC
Prebiotics have been a big thing in paleo/keto world lately but I had not heard about them in honey yet!


emo_snal June 11 2016, 01:08:41 UTC
Apparently it's a thing! And I think this research group was the first to look into it so makes senseone wouldn't have read about it before.


kilobot8 June 8 2016, 19:12:12 UTC
I second the paleo comment. I was not aware that honey contained them, though.


emo_snal June 11 2016, 01:09:21 UTC
And ye prehistoric "cavemen" did indeed raid beehives! there's cave paintings portraying it.


furzicle November 26 2019, 05:31:19 UTC
Was that before or after they discovered smokers?


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