Festival of St Marie

Nov 30, 2014 06:52

Continuing this story after much delay...

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travelogues, ethiopia, travel, east africa 2014, axum, ethiopia 2014, videos

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Comments 14

fbhjr April 13 2015, 22:21:30 UTC
Very cool photos!


emo_snal April 14 2015, 02:56:56 UTC
Thanks (:


absynthe77 April 14 2015, 02:48:35 UTC
I've been following your travelogues when I'm online - which is a somewhat occasional occurence - and I want to say thanks for posting! Not only do I know much more about the biology of bees than I ever have, I've been allowed to glimpse many other cultures that I will likely never experience directly.
I am struck by how beautiful Ethiopia is, both the land and the people.
Thank you so much for sharing!


emo_snal April 14 2015, 02:57:26 UTC
Thanks! (: (:


sistrmoon April 14 2015, 12:53:36 UTC
Maslows hierarchy? Ostensibly the pick pockets are impoverished so they have to feed their bellies before addressing their souls.

I wonder if it was bay leaves they were crushing:)


emo_snal April 16 2015, 02:02:38 UTC
Nah it was some kind of long grass looking thing. I'll ask my Ethiopian friends (:


belleweather April 14 2015, 16:29:55 UTC
I am so excited about this series of posts that I got lost on your Flickr page and never came back to comment. So, I suck. But since my only comment would have been along the lines of a lot of squee and very little sense, you're really not missing anything anyway.

But wow. I have always wanted to do this trip and Nathan says "No no no!" whenever I bring it up, so I've been really loving seeing it through your eyes.


emo_snal April 14 2015, 17:47:25 UTC
Aw what are his arguments for "no no no?" If it's a safety thing, Ethiopia is a perfectly safe place, I feel very safe there. It's a long journey to get there from here, but that's the only counter argument I know of, otherwise, I very strongly recommend a visit! It's so beautiful and so rich in culture!


belleweather April 15 2015, 02:01:49 UTC
Mainly, I think, that it is hard to get to (which is reasonable) and that it would be challenging to do with kids -- which, also probably reasonable. But the kids won't be little forever and eventually I will prevail. Or I will bid Addis for a job and tell him it's good for my career or something. I am very, very insistent on getting there eventually.


emo_snal April 16 2015, 02:06:22 UTC
As soon as the youngest one is say 12 bring them along! I think it would be a great eye opening experience for the kids. You really see how people in other places are much less fortunate than you, but it's not in a scary deeply disturbing kind of way, by which i mean not people chasing your car or wallowing in filth, just people making do with dignity despite having an income equivalent to only dollars a week.


lab_jazz April 16 2015, 13:21:25 UTC
Love your photos and posts. Sorry I'm a bit late, I've been away


emo_snal April 25 2015, 05:29:56 UTC
Better late than never! (:


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