Monkey Chains of Bees and Insect Bivouacking

Jun 15, 2014 14:49

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Special thanks to furzicle for her assistance as videographer. She braved the bees and survived mostly unscathed -- a bee pooped on her ipad. The below is the original impromptu video I made with my phone that kind of gave me the idea, but it has a much better monkey chain formation.

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bees, video posts, honeybees, lj idol entry, vlogs, videos

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Comments 22

fimbrethil June 16 2014, 02:03:59 UTC
The things you get to do fill me with envy and awe. After my work day is done at the Botanical Garden, I walk over to our bee garden and just watch the girls come and go. They have been clustering near the entrance lately. Urde, our beekeeper, has some concerns that one of our hives may be readying to swarm. She had seen some queen cells inside but then none of them hatched.


emo_snal June 16 2014, 03:33:06 UTC
Like sixteen days came and went (well from the time you see a capped queen cell it must be emerging within 9 days) and nothing happened? They hadn't been chewed out? If conditions were no longer favorable to swarming I could imagine they'd direct their queen to kill the developing queens by opening a hole in them and stinging them, but it would be weird for all of them to simply fail to emerge.


fimbrethil June 16 2014, 10:05:54 UTC
None of them were opened to my knowledge. Urde didn't specify if 16 days had passed.


kagomeshuko June 16 2014, 19:37:49 UTC
Bees are interesting, but for me, this, is NO THANKS!!!

Ants are also interesting! I had read somebody's user info wrong and thought it said, "Myrmecology" when it said "Mycology."

Did you know that ants fall over on their right sides when they are drunk?

I would like to know who pays for those studies, but it is interesting to know.


emo_snal June 17 2014, 04:39:14 UTC
Interesting, I learned something useful today! :D

(when the giant ants come I will get them drunk and dodge to their left!)


kagomeshuko June 17 2014, 05:11:40 UTC
Hahaha! Oh dear, you are feeding ideas to the writer . . . :P

Or, maybe that's "Yay! You are feeding ideas to the writer!"


mothermelete June 16 2014, 23:59:04 UTC
Oy! Not something I could ever do... but bees are fascinating and I appreciate them, just preferably from afar.


emo_snal June 17 2014, 04:38:43 UTC
Noo you can't appreciate how adorable they are from afar!


mothermelete June 19 2014, 00:18:34 UTC
I don't know if I could ever find a bee adorable, but I'll try... from way over here lol


roina_arwen June 18 2014, 03:29:32 UTC
Interesting video! For some reason I am unduly amused that bees live in a birdhouse... maybe it's the whole "birds and the bees" thing? :)


emo_snal June 19 2014, 04:22:58 UTC
An adorable birdhouse! (:


mezzominty June 19 2014, 02:15:04 UTC
Excellent take on the topic! We'll done.


emo_snal June 19 2014, 05:32:42 UTC
Thanks (:


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