My Only Exception 18/20

Nov 20, 2010 11:29

Rachel woke up at 5:30am on the first day of school to Barbra Streisand’s “Don’t Rain on My Parade.”

She hadn’t gotten any sleep whatsoever. It was the first day of school and sure everyone gets those first day jitters, but not everyone comes out with their girlfriend on the first day of school and not everyone goes to a primarily homophobic, small town Ohio high school. The brunette hopped out of bed and went down the hall to the guest room. As she poked her head through the door, she saw her girlfriend lying in her bed, her golden hair splayed over the pillow. The light from the window danced across her porcelain skin. Rachel’s heart fluttered inside of her chest. How she managed to get Quinn Fabray would always be a mystery to her. She decided to let Quinn sleep a little longer as she proceeded to do her morning workout on her elliptical. The butterflies never ceased fluttering in her stomach.

After her workout, her forehead covered in a layer of sweat, she walked to her bathroom and turned the shower on. The hot water massaged her back as she rubbed shampoo into her brown locks. She closed her eyes and reveled in the warmth of the water. Before she knew it, it was seven and she had stayed in the shower for ten minutes longer than usual. After she was dressed and ready to go, she went to the guest room and poked her head into Quinn’s room once more. The girl had rolled onto her side, her back to the door, and Rachel heard her shallow breathing. Both of her fathers had left for work already, one being a lawyer the other a psychologist, and the house was completely silent. Rachel quietly entered, her feet padding softly against the carpet.

Quinn moaned as she felt the mattress dip with Rachel’s weight. The brunette stroked the blonde’s cheek and kissed her tenderly.

“Quinn, sweetheart, we’re going to be late. Wake up,” she whispered.

The ex cheerleader moaned and curled herself into Rachel.

“Stay with me forever, Rach.”

“As much as I would like to, Quinn, that would be illogical. We both need an education if we would like to have promising futures. I for one cannot wait to start my classes and see everyone from Glee considering it has been quite some time since we have seen them last. Furthermore, what would I do if I need to use the restroom if I were to stay forever? Would you let me leave? Would you-,”

“Okay, I’m up, you dork. Your rambling is better than an alarm.”

Rachel giggled and her heart warmed at the lack of animosity in the girl’s voice. A year ago she probably would have cried in her room had Quinn said that to her. Now she knew it was harmless teasing and she loved it.

“Let’s go, seriously. It’s getting late.”

Quinn pouted.

“One kiss? I promise I’ll get up.”

Rachel contemplated this bargain. She leaned in close to the blonde; just as her lips were about to touch Quinn’s she jumped out of the bed.

“Breakfast in five minutes, darling,” she said as winked at the tired blonde.

Quinn sighed and slammed back onto her back, smiling into her pillow. Rachel was enough motivation to get out of bed. She was merely playing around with the brunette because she had actually gotten up at 5:30am that morning and lied in bed listening to her iPod because who could sleep when in just a few hours they would come out to the entire school? The scenario was daunting at the least.

Eventually the blonde got herself ready for the day and ate a lovely breakfast with Rachel.

Quinn drove to school as Rachel controlled the radio, rambling on about different artists and plays and God knows what else. It was comfortable with Rachel, and Quinn wished that the car ride could never end; she knew once they got to school, the tranquility would vanish and she would enter Quinn Fabray mode in which the walls went up. The only difference was this time Rachel was on her side of the wall and if anyone tried to hurt her she would attack.



Rachel looked down at her hands and played with her sinfully short skirt.

“Are you scared?”

Quinn’s heart broke at how vulnerable her girlfriend sounded. Yes, she was scared. She was scared of being ridiculed, slushied, and harassed; but she knew it was worth it, that Rachel was worth the pain and humiliation. Rachel was her rock, her support and without her Quinn would probably chicken out and go running back into the closet. Deep down, Quinn knew that she couldn’t keep hiding herself from the student body. If they couldn’t accept her and Rachel then screw them. She had to be strong for Rachel.

She pulled the car into the parking lot of Dunkin’ Donuts and killed the engine. Their eyes connected, hazel with brown, and Quinn saw the fear and worry swimming in the brown orbs.

“I love you, Rachel. Yeah, I’m scared, but that’s normal, I guess; but that doesn’t mean I’m going to bail on our plan. You are the most important person in my life and I want the entire world to know how I feel about you.”

Rachel smiled weakly, still insecure about what they were about to do.

“You’re not going to be humiliated by me?”

Quinn wanted to make this right, but every time Rachel asked her this no words could make her understand that it was impossible for Quinn to be embarrassed by her; so she chose to use her lips instead of her voice. The blonde pulled the diva close into her and caressed the sweet strawberry lips and stroked the back of her head with her hand.

“I will never be humiliated by you.”


Jaws dropped. People froze. Everyone stared.

Quinn Fabray and Rachel Berry walked into McKinley High, hand in hand, and strolled down the hall with their shoulders rubbing together. They arrived at Quinn’s locker and as the blonde exchanged her books Rachel stroked her arm lovingly. Once finished, the two proceeded to the diva’s locker. Quinn smiled at the gold stars and rainbow flag decorating her locker door and she leaned against the lockers to stare at her girlfriend. The door closed and Rachel looked up into Quinn’s hazel eyes with a look that said Ready? Quinn nodded fiercely and snaked her arm around her tiny waist and guided her through the halls, the student body parting like the Red Sea.

Students watched in awe as the two supposed enemies walk together down the hallway to Rachel’s first period math class. Santana nodded to Quinn as the blonde held her girlfriend and guided her down the hallway. Quinn’s heart swelled when Brittany waved at her and smiled her dopey grin. Then, Quinn felt something akin to pride as she held Rachel’s waist. Nothing bad had happened yet, but then again they hadn’t actually done anything that would cause any of the students to infer that the two were in fact dating each other.

They arrived at the classroom about a minute before the first bell. Quinn pulled Rachel aside to let the other students go into the room.

“Are you alright, Rach?”

Rachel smiled a toothy grin and nodded profusely.

“Never better,” she replied as she grabbed the blonde’s vacant hand.

Quinn glanced at the hallway and about twenty students were staring at them; the minute she looked at them they acted as if they hadn’t been gawking at the sudden development between the past rivals.

“What about you?”

Quinn looked into Rachel’s eyes, enamored by their sparkle, and moved her body closer, wrapping her arms around the diva’s waist. Then she pulled the girl into a slow, languid kiss and Rachel moaned as a tongue danced across her lip. It was over before it had started and she felt as if she was seeing stars as her mind clouded with lust.

“I’ll pick you up after class, babe,” Quinn whispered huskily into the brunette’s ear causing a chill to run down her back.

Rachel, and the rest of the student body for that matter, gawked at the ex-cheerleader as she strutted down the hallway, her blonde hair swaying with her movement.

Just as Quinn had promised, she waited by the door expectantly for Rachel. Her face brightened at the sight of her girlfriend who wore her classic plaid skirt and soft blouse with her signature penny loafers. Their hands found each other as Quinn kissed Rachel on the cheek.

“Hey,” she whispered as she pulled the brunette towards her.

“Hello, Quinn,” Rachel said shakily, surprised at the sudden warmth radiating from between her legs.

“Are you alright?” Quinn asked, automatically detecting the change in the girl’s demeanor.

“I-I’m fine, it’s just I didn’t know you would be so, um, forceful with the public displays of affection, that’s all.”

Quinn smiled warmly at the brunette.

“Okay, let’s hold hands then. I have to go back to my locker, if you don’t mind though.”

“I don’t mind at all,” Rachel said enthusiastically and grabbed the blonde’s hand.

The two walked down the hall, ignoring the shocked faces and whispering gossipers.

“Looks like the rumors are true,” a familiar voice boomed throughout the hallway, “McKinley’s very own head cheerleader’s a flaming dyke!”

Quinn froze momentarily, but Rachel pushed her forward.

“Ignore them, Quinn,” Rachel said under her breath.

The two continued on their way to history.

“Hey! I’m talking to you, Fabray! You and your freaking tranny girlfriend are stinking up this hallway!”

Quinn let got of Rachel’s hand and turned around, racing towards the jock.

“What did you just call her?” she yelled, venom practically spraying the on looking students.

The jock and his minions surrounded Quinn and the leader adjusted his jacket.

“I said, you and your freaking tranny girlfriend are stinking up the hallway!”

Suddenly, Quinn pushed the boy into a locker, her hand on the neck of his T-Shirt.

“Listen here, you ignorant asshole, no one insults Rachel Berry, you got it? Any of you try and pull anything on her I swear to God I will rip your throats out, got it?”

The boy smiled evilly.

“Isn’t this ironic, boys? A year ago we were getting orders to do just that Fabray, or should I say Fabgay. Now why don’t you let got of my shirt before I-,”

“Before you what? Are you gunna hit a girl?”

Then the boy threw Quinn into the opposite wall causing her to collapse to the floor. The sound of her body colliding with the metal lockers was enough to silence the entire hallway. Students watched earnestly. Rachel ran to Quinn’s side, helping her girlfriend up despite the fact she feared for her own well being as well. Before the girls had a chance to fight back three slushies were launched and the iced drink drenched both of them.

“What are you gunna do know, Fabgay?” he turned to the crowd of students watching, “Now why don’t you run along and get the hell out of my hallway. I swear to God people are turning gay left and right it’s like a disease.”

He looked around and saw the students gaping at the scene

“Nothing to see here, folks. This isn’t over, Fabgay.”

The gang of Neanderthals left the now empty hallway laughing on their way to their second period class. Rachel and Quinn hobbled to the nearest bathroom, leaving a trail of blue ice on the floor. Quinn was shaking violently, goose bumps forming on her bare arms. Tears were streaming down her face.

“Rachel,  I’m so sorry, I-,”

Rachel looked up at her with a stunned look in her eyes.

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Because of me those idiots called you a tranny and threw slushies at you!”

Rachel shook her head.

“That isn’t your fault. They would have done both of those things regardless. I am in love with you, Quinn. This is their fault. It is their fault for being ignorant and I am so proud of you for doing what you did, even though it was rash and violent and you almost got seriously injured.”

Quinn laughed and a small smile crept upon her now blue stained lips. Then her eyes darkened for a moment.

“I’m so sorry I made you feel this way, Rach, honestly. I-never realized how humiliating this is.”

Rachel pulled Quinn into her arms and rubbed her back softly.

“Quinn, I forgave you a long time ago.”

Quinn cried into the smaller girl’s arms, reveling in the strength of the two tiny arms holding her.

quinn fabray, faberry, rachel berry, glee

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