My Only Exception 5/20

Sep 30, 2010 21:13

Title: My Only Exception 5/20
Author: emmelia24 
Pairing: Quinn Fabray and Rachel Berry
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. This is purely and simply fiction. The characters belong to Fox and Ryan Murphy and a bunch of other people I do not know.
Summary: It's Faberry. Let's leave it at that. I'm bad at summaries.
A/N: Thank you all so much for the comments and such! It’s awesome. You guys are awesome. Enjoy this next part, and I apologize for the cliff hanger. Oh, and if you are interested in which song Rachel sings, side note: John Mayer is amazing, here is said song. It is Dreaming with a Broken Heart by I am thinking this will be a ten part fic, but I'm not completely sure yet. If you want more just leave me a comment or message me. Thank you!

Jesse St. James opened his umbrella as he walked through the Carmel High parking lot.

It was 9:30pm and Vocal Adrenaline had just finished their six hour rehearsal. The boy approached his Range Rover and was about to unlock the door when suddenly a fist collided with his nose, sending him flying into the pavement.

Jesse laid on the ground for a few seconds, processing what had just happened to him. Within a second he was back on his feet eager to avenge his attacker; but no one was there; it was pitch black, completely silent.

“Who’s there?” he cried out, hoping to instill some fear in his attacker.

All of a sudden the same fist punched him right in the groin, causing Jesse to collapse to his knees, his hands clutching his pelvis as the agony overtook him. Then he heard footsteps approaching him, his vision clouded by the tears from the pain. His body stilled as he prayed for mercy.

The lights in the parking lot snapped on and standing before him was a woman, clad in a pink dress and matching cardigan, a hand laid protectively on her bloated stomach. She shook her other hand out, but no pain could be detected in her expression, only anger, pure unadulterated anger. He recognized her immediately.

“Jesse St. James,” she said calming, her eyes piercing his face.

“What do you want you pregnant bitc -“

A blunt kick to the stomach cut the diva off.

“Listen up, St. Dickhead, because I am not going to repeat myself. Stay the hell away from Rachel Berry.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She growled at him.

“Don’t play stupid with me, St. James. You egged her even though you knew she is vegan. You dumped her weeks before Regionals. You are a manipulative bastard. You didn’t deserve her. She deserves someone better than you, you piece of shit. Now get the hell out of here. If I so much as see you within twenty feet of her, next time you won’t be cautious to see me storm off. Now, fuck off, asshole.”

With that, the girl stormed off into the night, her shoes clicking off the pavement as she held her throbbing hand. The moonlight reflected off of her blonde hair as she left a dumbfounded Jesse lying on the pavement, bloody and confused.


Rachel was splayed out on her bedroom floor. Countless books encompassed her as she worked on her science project. This was normal for the brunette. Whenever she was upset, her fathers brought her a glass of water and then she threw herself completely into her school work. As of now, she was two weeks ahead in just about every class. She sighed as she glanced over at the clock. It had been two days since Jesse had ambushed her in the parking lot. The nightmares hadn’t stopped. For the past two nights she woke up shaking, tears running down her face and her fathers would run in to see what was wrong.

Her eyes wandered from her project to a bejeweled cell phone lying on her carpet. No one ever texted her, except Finn. He called her everyday asking how her day was, if she wanted to go out, the usual. Each time she politely rejected the quarterback. She had all of the Glee kids’ numbers, but no one bothered to call her to see if she was okay. Sure, the guys had threatened to kill Jesse and Mr. Schue had made them work on a funk number that would blow Vocal Adrenaline away. That didn’t change the fact that all she really wanted was someone to talk to. She picked up the device, flipping it open and immediately began going through her contacts. Quickly she scrolled down to the contact she’d viewed at least ten times within the last hour; except this time she hit send.

The instant her thumb hit the green button her heart rate increased. What if she didn’t answer?


She is not going to answer. This is stupid.


“Quinn?” Rachel squeaked.

“Yes. Rachel?” she asked as she breathed heavily into the phone.

“Sorry, Quinn. I didn’t expect you to answer. Are you alright? You seem out of breath.”

There was silence on the other end of the line.

“I’m fine, Rachel. What’s up?”

“Are you sure?” she asked doubtfully. “You should not be exercising vigorously in your condition. I specifically remember telling you if you needed any help finding exercise that would better suit the needs of you and your unborn child that you should contact me and I would-“


“Yes,” Rachel said quieter, regretting being so blunt.

“I am fine. Look, I’m sorry but I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

Rachel felt her heart twinge. Quinn didn’t want to talk to her; she must have annoyed the cheerleader.

“I-I’m sorry for bothering you. It won’t happen again. Goodbye.”


Rachel stopped closing her phone.

“You weren’t bothering me. I-it-it’s just a bad time that’s all. Don’t take it personally.”

“Okay,” Rachel breathed.

“And Rachel?”


“Are you okay? That Jesse kid was a total jerk and you’ve seemed kind of upset lately.”

Rachel sighed into the phone loudly enough for Quinn to realize that Rachel was not okay; she decided, however, not to pry.

“I am fine, Quinn. I appreciate the concern.”

“Okay. Well, see you tomorrow then.”

“Goodnight, Quinn.”

“Night, Rachel.”

Rachel closed her phone slowly. Her stomach clenched. She wasn’t okay; she was heart broken. Jesse was her dream guy. It hurt her when he egged her, humiliating her in front of Vocal Adrenaline. Even that wasn’t that bad. What hurt the most was that he tricked her, fooled her into loving him, into trusting him. He strung her along and dumped her so Vocal Adrenaline would win and New Directions would lose. A tear slid down her cheek.

“No,” she said stubbornly as she wiped her eyes, “I am fine.”


The hallway was packed with students as they all raced towards their ninth period class. Quinn was shoved and pushed, the students no longer parting like the Red Sea for the ex-Cheerio. Finally the hallway emptied, leaving Quinn alone at her locker. She put her books away, grabbed the ones she’d need tonight, and shut the metal door.

She sighed. What to do? She could go to the choir room and play piano. She should go to the library and get a head start on her Spanish project. Just as she was about to go to the library, her good conscious winning over the devil on her shoulder, she heard something in the distance. It sounded like a piano accompanying an all-to-familiar voice.

Quinn turned around immediately and headed for the auditorium. Her flats clicked against the floor, the noise echoing through the halls. Her baby was rolling around, probably sea sick from Quinn’s rapid pace.

Slowly Quinn entered the auditorium and snuck backstage, hoping the brunette wouldn’t notice her. She pulled the curtain and her eyes landed on the piano and the girl playing it.

Rachel’s back was to Quinn so the blonde didn’t see the pain in her face as she played her song.

When you’re dreaming with a broken heart,

The waking up is the hardest part.

You roll out of bed and down on your knees.

And all at once, you find it hard to breath

Wondering was she really here?

Was she standing in my room?

No she’s not.

Cuz she’s gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.

Rachel shuddered slightly and her voice cracked; but she continued with the song. The pain was more than audible in her normally perfectly trained voice. Quinn knew what she was upset about. Rachel had been played, badly, and fell for a guy who went out with her just so he could use her to win a singing competition. If that isn’t that definition of shallow, she didn’t know what was. It took everything Quinn had not to rush over to the brunette and comfort her; but she waited until the song ended.

Finally, Rachel played the final piano part, shaking with each note. She let the notes ring through the auditorium as her foot remained cemented to the pedal. Her head bowed and her petite frame shook. Quinn slowly walked over to Rachel as quietly as she could; however, she slipped a bit and her shoe squeaked, causing Rachel to whip her head around and face the blonde.

“Quinn?” she cried as she viciously tried to conceal her tears.

“Hey, Rachel,” Quinn said softly as she made her way to the piano.

Rachel was in awe and merely sat there until Quinn was at her side.

“Can I sit here?”

All Rachel could do was nod as Quinn took her place next to Rachel.

“I didn’t know you could play the piano.”

Rachel smiled.

“Well, my father wanted me to have experience in several varieties of music and arts. I can play piano, sing, dance, and act. I am a quadruple threat.”

“A quadruple threat?” Quinn said, suppressing a giggle.

“Yes! That is what my Daddy told me. What?” she said defensively.

“Nothing, nothing. It’s just cute.”

Rachel blushed; Quinn thought she was cute. Quinn laughed along, she too blushing when she realized what she had said. Suddenly, Rachel’s face dropped to a serious look. It sent a chill down Quinn’s spine.

“Quinn, I need to tell you something,” she said quietly avoiding the hazel eyes staring intently at her.

Quinn just nodded, not knowing what Rachel was about to say.

“I- I talked to Jesse last night, after I called you.”

Shit. Shit that bastard tattled on me.

“And?” she said carefully.

“He said that he got beat up in the parking lot last night.”

She paused dramatically.

“By a girl.”

Now it was Quinn who was avoiding Rachel’s eyes.

“A blonde, pregnant girl who knew everything that he has done to me.”

Quinn stared at the floor. She didn’t want Rachel to know; she had even put make up on her hand so that no one would see the cuts and bruises she had from punching Jesse. In all honesty, she didn’t really know what had come over her. She had always hated the loser for no exact reason. The minute she had heard about what the bastard had done to Rachel, she lost control. Now she had a reason to hate him, and her anger took over. Before she knew it she was driving in Puck’s car to Carmel High barely at the speed limit.

“Quinn,” Rachel whispered. She lifted up Quinn’s face, forcing the blonde to look her in the eye.

“Why did you do that?”

Quinn sighed and backed away from Rachel’s touch.

“I-I don’t know,” she whispered back, a tear running down her cheek, “I heard about what he had done to you, the egging and everything. I don’t know. I just got so mad and before I knew what I was doing I was punching him in the face. It- It just pisses me off the way he used you. You deserve so much better, Rachel.”

Rachel smiled softly, reassuring Quinn that she was not mad at her.

“Thank you, Quinn, but as much I appreciate what you have done, it was out of line. Sure, Jesse broke my heart, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to beat him up, although it is pretty flattering.”

Quinn blushed and nodded in agreement. Looking back it was pretty stupid; actually, no, it was totally worth it. That guy is a jackass.

“I’m sorry,” Quinn breathed.

“I know.”

Rachel moved her hand to touch Quinn. It gently rested upon the Quinn’s hand and sent a spark through Quinn. Her heart was pounding; the baby gave her a sharp kick. Quinn looked into Rachel’s swirling brown eyes and the brunette returned the stare. Hazel eyes drifted towards a pair of pink lips once again, desiring something that Quinn knew she shouldn’t desire. It is a sin. Being gay is a sin. It is in the Bible. She shouldn’t want this. She shouldn’t want this; but she did.

Slowly, Rachel intertwined her fingers in Quinn’s and leaned her forehead on the blonde’s. The smell of strawberries intoxicated Quinn, her mind suddenly clouded with lust. Rachel’s breathing was heavy, matching Quinn’s equally labored breath. The baby kicked once more. Their lips were less than a centimeter apart; Quinn could practically taste the girl’s lip gloss.

“Quinn,” Rachel breathed as her hand suddenly caressed Quinn’s cheek, her thumb rubbing her face.

Their lips touched sending an electrical burst through each girl’s body. It was surreal. They fit perfectly, like they were made for each other. Rachel kissed tenderly and gently, unlike Puck who was rough and dominating or Finn who was scared and barely moved his lips at all. This was different; it was erotic, yet controlled. Rachel slowly pulled back, her breathing still heavy. Brown eyes pierced the blonde’s hazel ones. Rachel saw something in them that she had only seen once before; fear, pure fear. Quinn’s eyes shut tightly as she realized what she had just done. Rachel could see she was holding her breath. The beat of her heart changed from rapid to uneven. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.


quinn fabray, faberry, rachel berry, glee

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