Hands on My Hips 1/4

Apr 09, 2011 20:58

Title: Hands on My Hips 1/4
Author: emmelia24  
Rating: Right now, I’m going to say PG-13 for some angstyness but no smut
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters or the show Glee, but boy would it be different if I did. Still, all of this is my imagination :)
Spoiler: This is AU-ish. I guess to be safe everything but really, if you don’t know that ( Read more... )

quinn fabray, faberry, rachel berry, glee

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Comments 22

wiked_nachos April 10 2011, 04:00:02 UTC
Oh, first comment. That was so well done. The way you've written Quinn is so believable. Cannot wait for more :)


emmelia24 April 10 2011, 19:31:35 UTC
Thank you so much! And I am relieved you think how I've written Quinn is believable since that is my #1 goal :)


cyberninjasio April 10 2011, 04:04:53 UTC
Huzzah! More of your stories! :)

This is beautiful. I love how you're showing Quinn's entirely justifiable anguish over giving up Beth. Far more believable than how Glee handled it. *rolls eyes at the Gleewriters* As if someone has emotionally reactive as Quinn Fabray could just forget her daughter... ugh.

And then having Rachel understand that pushing her before she was ready would just make it worse... perfect. Just perfect.

I do so enjoy reading your contributions to the fandom. Keep up the good work. Always an inspiration. ;)


emmelia24 April 10 2011, 19:32:40 UTC
Hi :) So, wow thank you and yes I dislike those writers for ignoring this plot which has so much potential! And seriously, your comments make my day <3



nightcuddler April 10 2011, 17:07:57 UTC
Hi Olivia its so good to read any of your stories. Great job on how you are describing Quinns reaction to Beth and the way Rachel is trying to help her over come this. Looking forward to more as always


emmelia24 April 10 2011, 19:33:02 UTC
Hey Jess! Thank you so much! I hope you continue to enjoy this :)


ashdo April 10 2011, 17:41:34 UTC
loved it ! can't wait for more :)


emmelia24 April 10 2011, 19:33:11 UTC
wow thanks so much!


mjacton April 10 2011, 18:12:13 UTC
Well, that was dramatic.

There's a lot going on here. It's a little hard to figure out how Quinn has been able to function at WMHS without speaking for a year (and the "decision" of the Glee Club to allow her to stay would have been easy, I think), but I guess I'll have to kick my suspension of disbelief up a notch.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Rachel help Quinn.

I'm glad you're writing again. I hope everything is working out for you.


emmelia24 April 10 2011, 19:38:18 UTC
I am sorry you don't find this believable :(
Hopefully I can make it more realistic as I continue so I hope maybe then you will enjoy it.
Thanks for commenting! And I'm glad to be back as well :)


miss_darkmoon April 10 2011, 19:44:36 UTC
Hey, on the functioning without speaking thing, there was a girl in my grade in high school who didn't speak, and she carried around this thing like a blackberry but not that she typed things on for people to read. Not in class or anything, just if she wanted/needed to say something. I know you don't want Quinn to be like, communicating with anyone, but if you want to add to the realism you could have her carrying something like that because the administration made her and her hating it, or something. Like, for emergencies even.


emmelia24 April 10 2011, 20:26:22 UTC
Oh that's a great idea! I think that would definitely make the story much more realistic :) I'll definitely be using that next chapter, and of course you shall receive credit! Thank you so much!!!!!


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